Greens Want Empty Roads

Published: Wed 24 Jul 2002 11:57 AM
Greens Want Empty Roads
Wednesday 24 Jul 2002
The Green Party's transport policy is social engineering of the worst kind, ACT Transport Spokesman Penny Webster MP said today.
"The Green politicians want to get us all out of our cars, and they will introduce new tariffs and financial penalties to keep us off the road. Where will this end? Will they ban us from travelling further than a set distance every day? Will they stop us from choosing which supermarket has the best prices, and instead force us all to go to the closest one?
"Aucklanders will be scared to discover that when mayor John Banks finally seems to be making progress on Auckland's transport nightmare, the Greens intend to put a complete stop to every motorway improvement.
"The Green Party policies simply won't work in New Zealand. Provincial and rural New Zealanders - in fact, all of us - rely on our cars," Mrs Webster said.

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