Labour's Transport Policy Is A Mish-Mash

Published: Thu 11 Jul 2002 09:20 AM
Wednesday 10 Jul 2002
Labour's transport policy is a mish-mash of cliches and contradictory objectives, ACT leader Richard Prebble says.
"What we are looking for is a clear set of priorities, policies and solutions to issues such as the Auckland traffic gridlock and the mounting congestion on our roads.
"Wellington residents will be concerned that there is no mention of Transmission Gully, and the tourism industry that there's nothing on issues such as South Island tourist attractions.
"Also of concern is that the government has not taken the opportunity to rule out the dollar-a-litre petrol tax which is in the official discussion document, or to rule out the imposition of a carbon tax on motorists.
"Labour talks about a public/private partnership to finance major roading projects - but they made that promise three years ago, and difficulties with their coalition partners meant there was no progress for three years.
"It's clear that Labour will be looking to ACT to make progress on its transport policy.
"ACT will be putting out a coherent, well-researched transport policy during this campaign," Mr Prebble said.

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