Helen Clark on Taxes

Published: Fri 5 Jul 2002 02:06 PM
Friday 5 Jul 2002
ACT MP Rodney Hide, outside Cashel Mall Inland Revenue Department, Christchurch, 1.30pm today:
"Helen Clark believes New Zealanders are low taxed. She opened her campaign declaring that New Zealand has tax rates "lower than anywhere in the western world, in fact lower than anywhere in the whole OECD except Mexico".
"Helen Clark is either dishonest or ignorant. The United States, Australia, Japan, Korea, Ireland, Switzerland, Spain, Poland, Turkey, Portugal, Slovac Republic and Mexico all tax less than New Zealand. Sixteen OECD countries have cut company tax rates in the last two years. Helen Clark put taxes up. Australia's Government has cut company tax from 36 to 30 cents . Helen Clark is pledging not to increase personal or company tax - that's a promise to leave New Zealand at a permanent tax disadvantage to Australia.
"New Zealand to prosper and grow must win more business and more jobs - to do so we need a lower company tax rate than Australia and we need it now. Yesterday Rick Barker dropped a tax bombshell that Helen Clark is planning a new health tax for after the election. Michael Cullen went into immediate spin control and declared that the new tax would not raise any extra money. He must think voters are stupid . When did a government ever introduce a new tax and not take extra money as a consequence?
"Helen Clark has increased ACC levies, road user charges, driver licence fees, fire service levies, birth/marriage certificate fees, fishing licence fees and problem gambling levies. The new health tax will mean more money for Helen Clark and less money for voters. ACT will deliver an immediate tax cut for every worker - and will drop New Zealand's company tax rate below Australia. The choice is clear this election. A vote for Labour is a vote for high taxes and to be poor - a vote for ACT is a vote for low taxes and to prosper. Give ACT your party vote."

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