The Law Is An Ass: Peters

Published: Fri 28 Jun 2002 11:19 AM
28 June 2002
The PM Should Pay
“If detaining gate-crashing asylum seekers is unlawful then the law is an ass,” New Zealand First leader,” Winston Peters said.
Mr. Peters was commenting on the High Court’s ruling that opens the door to millions of dollars of compensation claims.
“Most of these people were brought here by Helen Clark because of her need to strut the international stage. Now New Zealanders are likely to have to fork out big money to help them get set up for life, Mr. Peters said.
“The law may be an ass but the responsibility lies with the Prime Minister and her Cabinet colleagues. It was stupidity that led to the decision to take over 140 ‘so called refugees’ off the Tampa last year. Were they genuine refugees? And who would be an appropriate authority to determine that?
“The Bulletin” (Queensland) of Tuesday April 9 2002 carried a full front page on the Tampa refugees under the title ‘Imposters’. How do we explain to Mr. and Mrs. Bloggs that their taxes are going to be paid to imposters while they are left to struggle with the health and education of their kids?
“When will we ever stop paying for this insane political correctness? The Prime Minister and her colleagues should pay – they got us into this,” Mr. Peters said.

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