Labour Already In De Facto Coalition With Greens

Published: Wed 19 Jun 2002 01:52 PM
Wednesday 19 Jun 2002
Helen Clark's claim that Labour won't go into coalition with the Greens has no credibility, ACT leader Richard Prebble says.
"Ms Clark is endorsing Jeanette Fitzsimons in Coromandel. One of the reasons she gave for calling an early election was to allow time for coalition talks with the Greens before Christmas.
"The Greens were told the election date before Labour's own caucus.
"No party under MMP has ever got 50 percent of the vote. The real reason for the Prime Minister's statement yesterday was that polling shows a third of Labour supporters say they are voting Labour only to stop the Greens.
"Ms Clark is frightened that a third of Labour's support will peel off and vote for National and ACT.
"The electorate will realise that the election is really a contest between Labour/the Greens - the parties of high tax and high-spend government - and National/ACT - the parties of low tax, choice and personal responsibility," Mr Prebble said.

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