Auckland police staffing crisis worsens

Published: Mon 17 Jun 2002 08:49 AM
Tony Ryall National Police Spokesperson
16 June 2002
Auckland police staffing crisis worsens
Greater Auckland is over 110 police short, as violent crime in the city continues to rise, says National's Police spokesman, Tony Ryall.
"Latest official police figures show that the three Auckland Police districts expect to finish this month 113 staff short of their own targets. The shortfall has worsened in Central Auckland, which expects to be understaffed by 61officers.
"Greater Auckland needs a massive boost in police numbers. The region will be the biggest winner out of National's pledge for 500 extra frontline officers.
"Auckland police are understaffed and under pressure, and that's why you never see a police officer on the beat.
"Auckland Police are in a vicious circle at the moment: the more staff leave, the more work for those left, and then more staff leave because of overwork, and so on.
"Over the past two years, violent crime has gone through the roof in Auckland ... up 20%. We need more police on the beat to act as a deterrent and prevent crime. We want a police force people can see.
"The staffing crisis needs leadership and resources. National will provide that," says Mr Ryall.

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