Minister Expresses Disappointment With PPTA

Published: Thu 13 Jun 2002 03:54 PM
13 June 2002
Education Minister Trevor Mallard said he is disappointed that the PPTA will not be seeking to roll-over the current arrangements as offered by the Government.
“PPTA expressed concern that their members would not be covered by a collective agreement from 1 July. In order to allay their concerns, the offer was made to roll-over the arrangement,” Trevor Mallard said.
“The government has advocated for the rights of employees to be covered by a collective agreement, and for collective bargaining in good faith. I am therefore disappointed that the PPTA does not wish to accept the offer to roll-over.
“I am also concerned that it may not reflect the wishes of their membership, given the complaints voiced by principals and teachers last week when the issue of individual agreements was first raised publicly.
“I have therefore faxed a letter to the PPTA today, formally requesting that they seek ratification from their members of the decision not to seek a roll-over.
“If their decision to refuse our offer to roll their collective agreement over stands, teachers will automatically be placed on individual agreements from 1 July 2002. This is not a decision that I make, but a matter of the law,” Trevor Mallard said.
13 June 2002
Jen McCutcheon
PO Box 2119
Fax: (04) 382 8763
Dear Jen
I have seen a copy of a media report dated this morning, reporting that the PPTA will not be seeking to roll-over the current arrangement as offered by the Government.
I am disappointed that you have decided not to seek a roll-over from the Ministry of Education. PPTA members expressed concern that they would not be covered by a collective as at the 1 July. The offer was made to allay their concerns.
I am writing to formally request that you seek ratification from your members of the decision not to seek a roll-over.
I am concerned that as a result of your decision not to seek a roll-over, teachers are placed on individual agreements from 1 July 2002.
You know that as a Government, we have advocated for the rights of employees to be covered by a collective agreement, and for collective bargaining in good faith.
Yours sincerely
Trevor Mallard
Minister of Education

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