Snap Election Not Justified But Greens Prepared

Published: Tue 11 Jun 2002 01:37 PM
11 June 2002
There is no good reason for the Government to call a snap election, Green Party co-leaders, Jeanette Fitzsimons and Rod Donald said today.
"The numbers of the Labour-led coalition haven't changed and the Green Party continues to support it on confidence and supply," said Jeanette Fitzsimons.
"Labour has a lot of important legislation ready to be passed but it has been dropping hints for so long that it has caused uncertainty in the business community and has become a victim of its own spin."
"We are prepared for an early election," said Rod Donald. "Our list will be finalised by the end of June and we have nearly 70 candidates selected, 52 standing in electorates.
"A number of major policy launches are planned for the next month and the polls are indicating that our stated aim of getting 10 percent of the vote looks quite realistic."
"Voters should be under no illusions about the nature of this election," said Jeanette Fitzsimons. "The parties of the right are irrelevant - there is no question that Labour will "win" this election.
"The only question is whether New Zealanders want to give Labour the absolute power to ram legislation through, including letting GE out of the lab. Remember the last time Labour governed alone?
"We are urging voters to give us the mandate to keep Labour honest. And not just with GE: the Greens would steer Labour towards improving conditions for children, properly funding education, buying back the rail track and keeping New Zealand a truly independent peacemaker."

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