Breaking the cycle of offending
$1 million will be provided this year to continue two reintegrative programmes that deal with up to 140 offenders and their families each year, Corrections Minister Matt Robson said.
“Reintegrative Services (RIS) aim to reduce the likelihood of re-offending by teaching offenders the life skills necessary to return successfully to their families and to the community.
“By directly targeting an offender’s motivation, attitudes and awareness, the programmes better equip them to manage their lives positively.
“Interim reports on the programmes run by PILLARS in Christchurch and Te Hokianga Mai, a joint venture between PARS and Presbyterian Support Services in Auckland, suggest they are working well.
“This funding will ensure their continuation for a further year and allow a full evaluation of their effectiveness.
"I am committed to providing effective and measurable initiatives that reduce re-offending and make our communities safer, says Matt Robson.