Ports Market Power Study
November 16 2001 Media Statement
Ports Market Power Study
The Government will commission a study of the
market power of New Zealand’s shipping ports, Commerce
Minister Paul Swain and Transport Minister Mark Gosche
announced today.
The study is a response to concerns most recently raised in the report of the Shipping Industry Review. The review recommended that the Government ask the Commerce Commission to investigate alleged anti-competitive practices and monopoly pricing by port companies.
The Ministers said the study would give the Government an overview of the ports’ market power issue and the information necessary to make an informed decision about the merits of a Commerce Commission inquiry or other possible courses of action. The study would not involve an in-depth analysis of individual ports’ financial performance.
“The study will include consultation with the industry. Comment and information will be sought from ports, port users and other key stakeholders such as unions,” Mr Swain said.
The study will be carried out by an independent consultant jointly contracted by the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Transport. The consultant will report directly to Ministers.
It is expected the study will start towards the end of November and take three or four months.
Characteristics of the Ports Market
consultant should produce a report which identifies and
contains a
general analysis of the following:
- the
relevant market or markets;
- the level of competition in
the market/s (taking into consideration competition between
different transport modes – ie rail, road, coastal
- the likelihood of new entrants or expansion
imposing a competitive constraint;
- the extent and use
of countervailing power in the market including by shippers
and shipping lines;
- situations where market power may
be exercised by port companies, either current or
historical; and
- opportunities for abuse of market power
by port companies.
Assessment of Factors Influencing
Market Power
The consultant should assess the
effectiveness of existing institutional or regulatory
measures in constraining or influencing this exercise of
market power in total. These factors could include:
- countervailing power
- barriers to
- Commerce Act
- Port Companies Act
of Ports Market
The consultant should use the above
information to develop an overview of the ports market in
total, and in the light of this overview, develop a more
specific description of the ports market with respect to
market power characteristics, if any. This description
could indicate the following:
- frequency of occurrences
of market power;
- any pattern of these occurrences
(e.g., wide spread or isolated across ports or port
activities); and
- a comment on the implications for the
efficiency of those