Trade Yes, Exploitation No

Published: Thu 15 Nov 2001 12:41 AM
Trade Yes, Exploitation No
The Green Party is welcoming the World Trade Organisation's commitment to reduce export subsidies and launch a new round of trade talks - with reservations.
"We distinguish between export subsidies, which we oppose, and domestic support mechanisms which need to be assessed on their merits," said Green co-leader, Rod Donald, "and we implore New Zealand and other countries to respect the rights of less developed nations to put food security ahead of open borders."
The Green Party is not opposed to trade but is adamant that it must be fair, safe and environmentally sustainable.
"In particular, we defend every country's right to decide what goods can be imported, and on what basis," said Rod Donald.
The agreement to negotiate a new trade round presents a challenge to the UN and other international agencies to ensure labour, human rights and other environmental issues are given precedence over free trade.
Within New Zealand, the Green Party will continue to campaign for Parliament rather than the Crown to make decisions on trade agreements.

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