Kiwis Highly Entrepreneurial Nation
“New Zealanders are among the most highly entrepreneurial and innovative people in the world,” said Acting Prime Minister Jim Anderton welcoming the news that New Zealand has ranked second in the world in a study of entrepreneurship.
The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2001, was in part sponsored by New Zealand’s Ministry of Economic Development and investigates the relationship between entrepreneurship, economic development and national prosperity in 29 countries. This is the first time New Zealand had been involved in the study.
“New Zealand was ranked as the world’s second most entrepreneurial economy, ahead of other countries we often compare ourselves to such as Australia and the United States.
“This confirms what the Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore, foreign business managers and kiwi’s themselves have told me, when New Zealanders put their minds to something we can’t be beaten.
“We need to know more about the talent and creativity that New Zealanders have and this survey will be of great use in turning this competitive advantage into jobs and business growth,” said Jim Anderton.
In March 2002 the Ministry of Economic Development is to hold New Zealand’s first major innovation event to celebrate and build on kiwi creativity and innovation.