Banks won't want dithering over transport problems
Belinda Vernon National Transport Spokesperson
14 October 2001
Banks won't want dithering over transport problems
The election of John Banks as Mayor of Auckland will put the heat on the Government to deal with Auckland's transport problems, National's Transport spokesperson, Belinda Vernon, said today.
"John Banks won't put up with Government dithering. The Government's made a lot of noise about solving Auckland's transport problems but has delivered nothing. Instead, it has become bogged down in rail track negotiations.
"The Government has to deal with the dollar and delay obstacles. It is unlikely Auckland's new Mayor will take no for an answer.
"John Banks needs to get Auckland City and Regional Council buy-in for his vision for Auckland. Then central government can't blame local government for a lack of action.
"The region has signed up to a strategy for Auckland's transport which includes roads and public transport. The plan is there - but the timeframe and emphasis is dodgy.
"John Banks was elected on a 'more roads' platform. He now has a strong mandate to deliver on these words.
"National is committed to removing central government barriers to solving Auckland's transport problems. Now let's see how committed the Labour /Alliance Government is," said Belinda Vernon.