New Zealanders Oppose Ban on Smoking In Pubs
Wednesday, October 10 2001 Penny Webster Press Releases -- Governance & Constitution
In just four weeks almost 13,000 New Zealanders signed ACT Internal Affairs Spokesman Penny Webster's petition to halt anti-freedom 'smokefree' legislation.
"New Zealanders are clearly appalled that the Government is trying to force all bar and cafe owners to spend thousands of dollars physically segregating smokers," Mrs Webster said.
"This legislation is unnecessary and removes choice from publicans and their patrons. ACT is the only party prepared to take on the politically-correct idealogues and stand up for individual choice and responsibility.
"I presented this petition on behalf of 12,680 New Zealanders today, after learning that the Government is trying to ram the legislation through as quickly as possible. One has to question the timing, when key proponent Judy Keall has just announced her retirement. Is this Labour's way of providing Ms Keall with a swan-song?
"This legislation is nothing more than a misguided leap of political correctness which will force bar owners up and down the country to spend millions of dollars on building alterations, and force many to close their doors.
"Bar-owners were never consulted over the legislation. I conducted a survey of every bar-owner in the country. Responses showed that 90 per cent of publicans oppose the legislation.
"Bars and cafes are already free to offer smoke-free areas.
"We are all fed up with Labour trying to force-feed us with needless and costly regulations," Mrs Webster said.
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