National Party Leadership
9 October 2001
National Party Leadership
United Future leader, Hon Peter Dunne, has congratulated Bill English and Roger Sowry on their election as the new leaders of the National Party.
"This new leadership provides National with the chance to move away from the hard right ideology of the last 15 years."
"However, the real test will be whether National now has the willingness to develop creative new social policies aimed at supporting families and communities."
"Only United Future is articulating such an approach at present."
"National's challenge now is to put its infighting aside and concentrate on becoming an effective Opposition, let alone an alternative Government."
"As far as future coalitions are concerned, United Future will work with those parties that share our commitment to advancing the interests of families and communities."
"These groups are the backbone of our country and only United Future stands four square for their interests, " Mr Dunne says.
Mr Dunne has also wished former leader Jenny Shipley and her family well for the future.