NZ Nurses Organisation conference - King Speech
27 September 2001 Speech Notes
New Zealand Nurses Organisation conference
I feel genuinely privileged to be speaking at this historic conference. It is great to see so many familiar faces here as well in a year in which we commemorate the centenary of Nursing Registration in New Zealand.
Your profession can not only look back with great satisfaction on what has been achieved in the last hundred years, but look forward to the next century in good heart. I have absolutely no doubt you will continue to build on nursing's proud traditions.
New Zealand is envied around the world for the quality and professionalism of its nursing. Other countries want our nurses, and look to New Zealand nursing as a benchmark.
It is all too easy to take such high standards for granted, all too easy, that is, until you look around the world. Nursing organisations in many countries are fighting for the requirement for nurses to complete a degree as part of their training, for example. The New Zealand profession should congratulate itself on being a leader in this and many other respects.
Nursing has often been at the forefront of change in the past century. There have been revolutionary developments in options for medical intervention and in the philosophy of patient care.
In 1901 nurses worked in the pre-antibiotic age. Now you work in an age of silicon and biotech.
In 1901 nurses worked in a self-contained colonial society wary of illness and diversity. Today we are a proudly diverse society committed to including all people, regardless of their physical or intellectual disability, ethnicity or gender.
In 1901 many people were suspicious of mental illness. Today we understand the need for paths to rehabilitation.
Such changes have had an enormous impact on nursing. There has been particularly intense change in the past few years. We have seen the introduction of nurse-led community services, the introduction and rapid growth of information technology, and the development of new medical technologies.
Another change is imminent. We are about to see the return of enrolled nurses, a policy supported by the NZNO, the Government and many employers. This move has not been without its critics, who have done their best to destabilise the decision, but I am pleased that they have failed.
And, of course, we have also seen the introduction of the role of the Nurse Practitioner to allow nurses to offer innovative ways of addressing health needs.
I am sure nurses will continue to reassess their roles and adapt to changes. I am equally confident they will continue to show the same unwavering commitment to delivering quality health care. Nurses have a passion about what they do. Dignity and a sense of vocation are essential. None of that will change in the future.
The 1999 NZNO manifesto
I have been asked today to talk about the Government¡¦s progress toward addressing your organisation¡¦s suggestions and recommendations in your 1999 Health Manifesto.
As you will
be aware, this document contained 15 core aims, with
suggestions divided into the following broad
„Y Openness and cooperation in the health
„Y Standards for patient care
„Y Fairness for
employees in the health service
„Y Professional
„Y Addressing poverty
„Y Access to health
I will discuss
each area, starting with openness and cooperation in the
health service. Your specific aims, numbered one to three,
were to end the competitive model of health that led to
privatisation and secrecy in decision-making, to introduce
elected community representation on health boards, and to
ensure nurses and midwives can act as patient advocates by
speaking out about unsafe or inadequate care.
There has been significant progress on all three aims in just 20 months. The Government is committed to a cooperative, collaborative public health system. This is well illustrated in the New Zealand Health Strategy and the introduction of district health boards.
The NZHS provides the vision for
the ongoing development of the health system and focuses on
the following core principles:
„h promoting a population
health approach
„h focusing public health funding on
reducing inequalities
„h improving coordination between
different agencies
„h empowering local solutions to local
problems, and
„h addressing wider socio-economic issues
affecting health
We are honouring our pledge to reintroduce elected community representation in decision-making. This will restore the democracy to health and disability services lost in the decade of National-led government. Postal voting is taking place right now.
Partially-elected health boards will provide greater transparency in decision-making. It also means the very people who are most in touch with local needs and have the best knowledge about local resources will shape local health priorities. Local knowledge is vital in developing the preventive public health focus we need to slow down increased demand for services and pressure on available funding.
Transparency is also promoted by the DHB structure as there is open discussion of issues like deficits and services as part of the annual plan process. This will help give the public more understanding of the need for prioritisation in decision-making. DHBs have to plan wisely and stick to their budgets.
As far as
patient advocacy and complaints processes are concerned, the
Government has overseen significant work to provide better
systems for patient advocacy and for health consumers to
voice concerns and have complaints investigated.
These efforts focus on follow-up from the Cull report that recommended a one-stop shop for dealing with patient complaints and amendments to the Health and Disability Commissioner Act 1994 and ACC legislation.
The existing complaints process can be intimidating. We will continue to oversee changes to make it more user-friendly. Health consumers should know where and how to complain, and expect realistically a speedy and thorough investigation. Health professionals also need speedy and clear resolution of complaints.
The second broad area of your manifesto concerned standards for patient care. Your specific aims, four and five, were to develop and implement standards for safe staffing levels and employment practices, and to ensure that clinical practitioners lead the process of standard setting.
The Government has introduced a number of initiatives and projects to improve patient safety, adequate staffing levels and high quality clinical practice. In particular we are developing a Health Sector Quality Improvement Strategy setting out the components of the high-quality public health system we all want.
The Ministry is also working on developing registered nurse staffing levels. As many of you will know, an Expert Advisory Panel, convened last year, worked on a registered nurse staffing formula for use in aged care services.
In August another Expert Panel (with NZNO representatives) recommended some changes to the original nurse staffing formula.
Officials are working on these changes, and will brief me on the panel¡¦s recommendations.
Your manifesto was also naturally concerned with issues of fairness for health employees. Your four aims, numbered six to nine, were to repeal the Employment Contracts Act, to protect employees from unfair legal processes, to introduce paid parental leave, and to ensure realistic compensation for workplace injury within a workable ACC scheme.
The repeal of the Employment Contracts Act is one of the Government¡¦s major achievements. I am proud at its demise.
We have introduced a more balanced and fairer legal framework in its place. The Employment Relations Act encourages collective agreements and recognises workers have an inalienable right to organise to represent their interests.
The NZNO will be well aware of the Court of Appeal ruling on union registration made prior to 2 October last year. My colleague, Labour Minister Margaret Wilson, will be taking recommendations to Cabinet next week to ensure that unions and employers who acted in good faith will be legally protected by amending legislation.
Margaret has made it quite clear that it would be wrong for arrangements made in good faith to be affected by a technicality of registration date.
I must also mention today that preliminary work has begun on developing the first tripartite approach, involving unions, employers and the Government, to nursing workforce issues. Other senior Cabinet ministers support me in backing this initiative. Such a longer-term and strategic approach has the potential to provide greater consistency and fairness across a whole range of workforce issues, and to allow better and surer planning by employers as well.
The Government has also reversed the decision to allow competition in the accident insurance market that was leading to private firms creaming off profitable parts of the market and leaving the rest to the state. And we have reintroduced lump sum payments.
Parental leave
decisions are close to being made and will no doubt be
announced in due course by the Minister of Women's
In terms of professional development, your
manifesto detailed four aims, numbered 10 to 13. Your
organisation wished:
„h to improve career structures and
access to clinically oriented education
„h to develop
systems for the governance of nursing and midwifery based on
wide participation by practitioners and credible
professional leadership
„h to address the development of
nursing as a key element in all health strategies
„h and
to update the Nurses Act in line with NZNO policy.
The area of professional development of nurses is also dear to my heart, and this Government recognises that the many challenges facing the health workforce include professional development. The Health Workforce Advisory Committee (HWAC) is considering strategic aspects of this problem.
This committee was recently set up to provide me with an independent assessment on current health workforce issues and now has a permanent secretariat. It will be looking at the health workforce needed in the future to meet objectives of the New Zealand Health Strategy and the Disability Strategy.
Many of you may be aware of reports about some of the committee¡¦s initial work and options it has generated, such as considering loyalty payments, matching schemes and promotion of nurse training.
Loyalty payments are used as a recruitment tool for several overseas health systems. Ultimately they are only a short-term fix, but they are something that will have to be considered in New Zealand.
Matching schemes may,
for example, simplify the current situation that requires
graduate doctors to make multiple applications to hospitals.
Matching hospitals with doctors¡¦ preferences offers real
This suggestion also illustrates the need
for DHBs to coordinate activities. The suggestion has a real
chance of success if DHBs work together.
Until December the HWAC is taking stock of current workforce capacity and issues and challenges. It will seek input from a wide range of organisations and groups, and produce a vision statement early next year.
In another recent initiative I established an informal advisory group, consisting of people who have a real appreciation of workforce and health issues in general, to meet with me on a regular basis. I appreciate this group's contributions.
The Ministry¡¦s Funding
Agreement 2001/02 with the DHBs acknowledges nurses are the
largest professional group in the health system and have a
critical role to play in quality care. It is important to
ensure DHBs, for example, support clinical career pathways,
professional development, on-going education and allow
nursing input into decision making at all levels. DHBs must
report quarterly to the Ministry of Health on:
„h how
input from nurses is received into its decision making
acuity systems and how nursing workload and staffing levels
are benchmarked
„h strategies to deal with both high and
low staff turnover, and recruitment and retention
„h indicators to demonstrate achievement or
remedy any nursing issues.
Early next year the Ministry will pilot two-year programmes for the first year of nursing clinical practice in three or four sites. The programmes will involve some 140 new graduate nurses. I strongly believe that a nationally-consistent process for supporting new graduate nurses in their first year of clinical practice will help significantly in retaining our graduate nurses.
The Ministry is also working with an expert group to develop a national framework for purchasing and prioritising post-entry clinical nurse training programmes. The Ministry will release a discussion document for public consultation later this year.
I recently participated in a conference introducing the role of the Nurse Practitioner. The Nurse Practitioner will be the highest clinical nursing expert in New Zealand, will contribute significantly to improving health outcomes, and will deliver nurse prescribing in New Zealand.
The role of the Nurse Practitioner offers a significant new career pathway for nurses. In the past, nurses were promoted into management, but the Nurse Practitioner role offers a clinical career path.
Early this month the Cabinet approved the first set of nurse prescribing regulations. They will allow advanced nurses practising in aged care and child family health, who meet the Nursing Council¡¦s competency requirements, to prescribe a specified list of medicines. Work is also under way on proposals for nurse prescribing in sexual and reproductive health, palliative care, occupational health, and mental health.
Nurse prescribing will not only advance the nursing role, but has potential to improve access to services and patient education, and reduce secondary illnesses and hospital admissions.
It appears the first course for enrolled nurses will start next year at Northland Polytechnic. I thank NZNO for help in getting the course established, as I had much resistance from institutes to establish the courses. I have had strong representations from nurses that the term enrolled nurse should be used, and I have made it clear I have no difficulty with that if that is what nurses want.
Many professional sections of NZNO, along with other national nursing organisations, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Health earlier this year.
This provides you with the opportunity to contribute pro-actively to developing, implementing and evaluating government health initiatives and policies. The Memorandum of Understanding has received recognition from the international nursing community.
In terms of addressing poverty, your
manifesto said you wanted to ensure that all New Zealanders
can participate fully in their community and are not
prevented from doing so by reason of poverty, or the ill
health which stems from poverty
The Government has also put in place a raft of policies to address poverty and associated health problems. We have reintroduced wage-linked state house rentals, increased benefit levels and overseen an economic recovery. All this provides more New Zealanders with opportunities to improve their lives.
And, finally, on the issue of access to health services, you wished to improve access to both community and hospital based health services.
The Primary Health Care Strategy aims to develop a national approach to primary health care nursing. An expert advisory group has been established to advise on a national framework that will address capabilities, responsibilities, areas of professional practice, and suitable employment arrangements for nurses working in primary health care.
I believe there are great opportunities for nurses under this new approach.
Thank you again for asking me to talk to you today. You should be proud of all nurses achieved in the past 100 years. Nurses have maintained high professional standards and a personal commitment to their work despite wide-ranging and rapid changes that have directly impacted on the work they do.
I haven't tried to suggest today that the Government has achieved all you want. We haven't achieved all we want either. I am proud, however, of much of what we have achieved in terms of nursing in a short time, and proud of the fact we have done by working together with you and other health professionals.
Thank you for your ongoing commitment and dedication to both nursing and the health of New Zealanders. Your past has been important. Your future will be even more so.