Support For ACC-Advocacy Amendment Welcomed
Bradford Welcomes Support For ACC-Advocacy Amendment
7 September 2001
Green ACC Spokesperson Sue Bradford today welcomed Government support for a Green Party amendment which provides financial support to advocacy groups helping beneficiaries.
The amendment to the ACC Bill provides for ACC the possibility of fundraising advocacy groups, in a similar fashion to the way in which the Department of Work and Income funds and assists some advocacy groups who help unemployed people.
"The Greens are really pleased that this amendment has passed. This will recognize the work of advocacy groups in defending and promoting the rights of people on ACC," said Ms Bradford.
"There are an ever growing number of organisations around this country who every day carry out advice and support services on behalf of people who are having some kind of problem with ACC.
"Many lawyers and advocates won't touch ACC work with a bargepole, yet all round New Zealand today people, many of them in voluntary or very low paid positions, are carrying out this work because it so desperately needs to be done," said Ms Bradford.
"Taking on ACC cases is one of the hardest jobs that welfare advocates ever undertake.
"It is high time that ACC began to take at least some of the responsibility for funding and in other ways helping groups who are specifically carrying out ACC advocacy work for no personal profit or gain," she said.