Is Hysteria Going To Outweigh Science?
Friday, September 7 2001
ACT Agriculture Spokesman MP Owen Jennings has today written to the Agriculture Minister requesting clarification of reported comments by Helen Clark that the Government may place a moratorium on the release of genetically modified products.
"This move would set back agriculture and create reprehensible harm.
"It would constitute a victory for hysteria and unfounded, irrational claims. The Royal Commission listened carefully to all the evidence and researched all such claims. They found no logical basis or scientific merit to the proposition that New Zealand should outlaw genetic engineering or even slow down scientific development.
"If the Prime Minister is going to disregard the Commission's findings and play politics, why did she waste $6.5 million?
"Such a populist, Luddite response will cost agriculture, and will confirm once again that this Government has no respect for business, preferring votes among Auckland sandal-wearers to those who produce the nation's wealth.