Select Committee Business – 6-13 July
From 6 July to 13 July 2001
Committee meetings
There were seven meetings this week. One committee held two meetings in Dunedin. The other meetings were all in the parliamentary complex.
Reports presented (9)
Education and Science
- Estimates for 2001/02 for Vote Education Review Office
Government Administration
- Estimates for 2001/02 for Vote National Archives
- Estimates for 2001/02 for Vote Pacific Island Affairs
- Estimates for 2001/02 for Vote Arts, Culture and Heritage
- Estimates for 2001/02 for Vote Internal Affairs
Law and Order
- Estimates for 2001/02 for Vote Courts
- Estimates for 2001/02 for Vote Police
- Estimates for 2001/02 for Vote Corrections
- Estimates for 2001/02 for Vote Serious Fraud
Bills referred to select committees
No bills were referred.
Committee notes
(for further information on an item, please contact the committee staff noted in italics)
Education and Science (Louise Gardiner,
On Thursday, 12 July, the committee presented its report on the 2001/02 Estimates for Vote Education Review Office. In this report, the committee discusses: the nature and future direction of Education Review Office (ERO) accountability reviews in the Maori language medium education sector; the nature of suitable candidates for the position of Chief Review Officer; the recent ministerial review of ERO; the frequency of accountability reviews in schools and early childhood education centres; the possibility of ERO conducting a review of teacher training in New Zealand; the previous work experience of review staff; and co-operation between ERO and the Ministry of Education in supporting schools after an ERO accountability review.
At its meeting on Thursday, 12 July, the committee considered the Education Amendment Bill (No 2) and Supplementary Order Paper 133.
Next week, the committee will meet to consider the 2001/02 Estimates for Votes Education, Vote Research, Science and Technology, and Vote Crown Research Institutes. The subcommittee on the inquiry into the teaching of reading in New Zealand will also meet.
Finance and Expenditure (Julian Kersey,
The committee did not meet this week. It will meet on 17, 18 and 19 July to hear evidence on the Taxation (Annual Rates, Taxpayer Assessment and Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill. The meeting of 17 July will be from 1.00 pm to 4.00 pm at the Russley Hotel in Christchurch. The meeting of 18 July will be from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm in Wellington. The meeting of 19 July will be from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm in the Gateway Hotel, Mangere, Auckland.
The committee has called for submissions on the Construction Contracts Bill. The deadline for submissions is 8 August 2001. The bill is intended to facilitate prompt and regular payments within the construction industry. It will also provide for the resolution of disputes and provide remedies for the recovery of payments under a construction contract.
Government Administration (Lesley Ferguson,
The committee reported on the 2001/02 Estimates for Vote Internal Affairs, Vote National Archives, Vote Arts, Culture and Heritage and Vote Pacific Island Affairs.
The committee will not meet next week.
Health (Matthew Andrews,
The committee is currently in Dunedin to hear submissions on the cannabis inquiry. Submissions were heard on Thursday evening and are currently in progress at the Southern Cross Hotel.
The terms of reference for the cannabis inquiry are to inquire into the most effective public health and health promotion strategies to minimise the use of and the harm associated with cannabis and consequently the most appropriate legal status of cannabis.
Justice and Electoral (Wendy Proffitt,
The committee did not meet this week. Next week it is meeting all day on Wednesday to consider the 2001/02 Estimates for Vote Attorney-General, Vote Treaty Negotiations and Vote Justice, the Victims’ Rights Bill and Supplementary Order Paper No 112 and the Crimes (Criminal Appeals) Amendment Bill. The committee will also visit the Office of Treaty Settlements.
Please contact the Clerk of the Committee for further information about the committee’s meetings for the next month.
Law and Order (Tracey Rayner,
The committee met on Thursday, 12 July, to consider: the Crimes Amendment Bill (No 6) and Supplementary Order Paper No 85; 2001/02 Estimates for Vote Police, Vote Courts, Vote Corrections and Vote Serious Fraud; and the Crown Organisations (Criminal Liability) Bill.
The committee presented its reports on the 2001/02 Estimates for Vote Police, Vote Courts, Vote Corrections and Vote Serious Fraud on Friday, 13 July.
The committee next meets on Thursday, 26 July, from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm. From 10.00 am to 11.30 am the meeting will be open to the public during a briefing from the Portfolio Committee on Correctional Services from the Republic of South Africa. The objectives for the visit to New Zealand include site visits to New Zealand prisons, discussions with Government officials (particularly those from the Department for Courts and the Department of Corrections) regarding reintegrative shaming experiments, restorative justice and the management of the New Zealand prison population and meeting with its New Zealand counterpart, the Law and Order Committee.
From 11.30 am to 1.00 pm the meeting will be closed to the public for consideration of the Crown Organisations (Criminal Liability) Bill and the eight long-standing petitions about issues relating to undercover police and their exposure to drug use.
Local Government and Environment (David Bagnall,
The committee did not sit this week, but will meet next Wednesday to consider the 2001/02 Estimates for all votes before the committee, and to hear evidence on the inquiry into the role of local government in meeting New Zealand's climate change target. The committee will also consider the Local Government (Elected Member Remuneration and Trading Enterprises) Amendment Bill.
MMP Review (Louise Sparrer,
The committee is not meeting in the adjournment. It will next meet on 25 July.
Regulations Review (Andrew Fieldsend, )
The committee did not meet this week: its next meeting is on Wednesday, 25 July.
The committee is currently receiving submissions on its inquiry into the principles determining whether delegated legislation is given the status of regulations. The terms of reference for the inquiry and a discussion paper are available from the Clerk of the Committee or can be found at The closing date for submissions is 27 July 2001. The committee would prefer to receive 20 copies of any submission.
Closing dates for submissions
Committees are receiving submissions on the following items with the closing date shown:
Finance and Expenditure
Construction Contracts Bill (8 August 2001)
Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
Terrorism (Bombing and Financing) Bill (13 July 2001)
Australia New Zealand Social Security Agreement (20 July 2001)
Government Administration
Racing Bill (10 August 2001)
Recreation and Sport Agency Bill (10 August 2001)
Primary Production
Apple and Pear Restructuring Act Repeal Bill (20 July 2001)
Dairy Industry Restructuring Bill (20 July 2001)
Regulations Review
Inquiry into the principles determining whether delegated legislation is given the status of regulations (27 July 2001)
Social Services
Child Support Amendment Bill (13 July 2001)
You can find further information about select committees on our website at If you require additional information or have any feedback on the contents, please contact:
Carol Rankin
Senior Parliamentary Officer
ph: 471 9534, fax: 499 0486, or at