Government Set To Renege on Asset-Testing Promise
Government Set To Renege on Asset-Testing Promise
It's clear the government is now set to renege on its pre-election promise to cancel asset-testing on long-stay care in rest homes and private hospitals, ACT deputy leader Ken Shirley says.
"Before the last election, Labour released a health policy which stated: 'Labour will introduce legislation within its first term to remove asset testing for all forms of long-stay care'," Mr Shirley said.
"This promise carried an estimated price tag of $200 million.
"There's been no move towards removing asset testing, and today we learn the government has slashed $8 million from the existing funding for geriatric hospital care.
"The government has ignored the recommendations of the National Health Committee report released last year.
"The credibility of this government is fast evaporating but nowhere more so than in health," Mr Shirley said.