No Good News For Maori In Budget

Published: Thu 24 May 2001 05:21 PM
ACT Education and Maori Affairs Spokesman MP Donna Awatere Huata today said the Budget contained a shameful message for Maori.
"There is no good news for Maori in this Budget. We have more Maori MPs than ever before, yet any hopes we had are dashed.
"This is a budget for bludgers and not for battlers, and that is a shameful message to give Maori youth.
"Maori education gets absolutely nothing, while pre-school education gets only a pittance.
"By aiming money at the tertiary sector at the expense of our youngest children, Labour's message is that kids do not count until they have grown up and can vote.
"Mr Cullen told reporters today that he hopes that his Budget is quickly forgotten. But I can promise him that New Zealanders will long remember," Donna Awatere Huata said today.

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