BUDGET 2001: A better experience for voters

Published: Thu 24 May 2001 03:27 PM
24 May 2001
A better experience for voters
Voters should face shorter queues at polling places and have their questions answered by better trained electoral staff as a result of additional funding allocated in the budget.
The Associate Minister of Justice, Margaret Wilson, says there should also be a quicker count of votes on election night with results declared earlier
$1.2 million dollars extra will be spent in 2001-02 and a further $4 million the following year in the preparation for and conduct of the 2003 general election. Additional spending of $5.2 million is projected for the following election as improvements continue to be implemented. The increase accounts for both improvements and cost increases since the last election.
"Some money is being spent on technology to allow more effective use of the electoral rolls, but the main investment is in the people who make the election work smoothly.
"We are investing in jobs and training to make sure that we have the right people, in the right place, with the right training and in the right numbers to make voting easy and counting effective," said Margaret Wilson.

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