Funding commitment to implement Tourism Strategy

Published: Mon 21 May 2001 01:41 PM
The Government has made a significant funding commitment in response to the New Zealand Tourism Strategy, the Minister of Tourism Mark Burton announced today.
"The Strategy has again highlighted tourism’s tremendous potential to increase its already substantial contribution to New Zealand's economic wellbeing - if we take a responsible and progressive attitude to its development.
"Tourism's ability to be a key economic driver is fully recognised by this Government. That is why last year the Office of Tourism and Sport became a stand-alone unit within the Ministry of Economic Development.
"I want to commend my colleague, the Minister for Economic Development Jim Anderton, for making funding available through Vote: Industry and Regional Development.
"These funds are available for implementing initiatives that will arise from the recommendations of the Tourism Strategy. The actual projects will be confirmed by the Strategy Implementation Plan that is being developed.
"Up to $4.0 million will be made available in 2001/02 for Strategy initiatives, with a further $2.5 million a year in out years.
"This is an important new source of funding for tourism and reflects the integral relationship between tourism and the Government’s regional and economic development objectives.
"Taken together with today's other budget announcements on Maori Tourism and Tourism Research, it demonstrates the government's commitment to work as a partner with the tourism sector to maximise the benefits for all New Zealanders," Mark Burton said.

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