Wedding date put back at least two more days

Published: Tue 13 Mar 2001 09:39 PM
Wayne Mapp
National Justice Spokesperson
Anne Tolley
National Women's Affairs Spokesperson
Tuesday 13 March 2001
Wedding date put back at least two more days
National and Act tonight delayed the 'marriage' of thousands of de facto couples by at least two more days when they thwarted the Government's plan to pass the Property Relationships Bill tonight.
"This is a festering scab of a bill. It is time the Government got rid of it.
"The Bill will have a far-reaching impact on the lives of thousands of New Zealanders. But Labour-Alliance-Greens tried to stifle debate on the Bill. Not a single Labour member of the Justice Select Committee made a contribution except to close off the debate.
"This Bill is the Labour-Alliance-Greens attempt at social engineering. Couples all over New Zealand will find they are subjected to an oppressive regime even though they don't want to be.
"National and Act are determined to make the Government see sense and have moved numerous amendments to the Bill," Dr Mapp and Mrs Tolley said.

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