Replacing Privy Council Step Towards Nationhood
19 December 2000
Replacing Privy Council Step Towards Nationhood - Greens
Green MP Keith Locke today welcomed Margaret Wilson's position paper favouring an end to appeals to the Privy Council.
"As a republican, I see this an important step towards nationhood," said Mr Locke. "I fully agree with the Minister's comments that Privy Council judges 'are largely unfamiliar with New Zealand society'.
"We live in a multicultural nation in the South Pacific, a far cry from the Anglosaxon aristocratic culture that Privy Councillors are immersed in," he said.
Mr Locke said New Zealand demeans itself as a country as long as we allow appeals to the Privy Council.
"Australia dropped such appeals back in 1986. We are slow to follow suit, remaining at the back of the pack with small jurisdictions like the Falkland Islands.
"I welcome the suggestions for further appeal rights within New Zealand, including two appeal stages at the Court of Appeal," said Mr Locke.