Police Recruitment Cancelled

Published: Thu 14 Dec 2000 04:33 PM
The three intakes of police recruits put on 'hold' last month have now been cancelled due to budget constraints, National's Police spokesman Brian Neeson said today.
"We knew that the training of three recruitment wings had been put on hold but today the cancellation of these intakes was confirmed in a response to a written Parliamentary question.
"That's three intakes of police recruits that have been cancelled under this Government.
"The Minister cannot deny that there is a budget crisis when the Police can't even afford to train the planned number of recruits.
"National had the Police on track to deliver a record number of police on the beat in New Zealand. This Government is making cutbacks in all of the wrong areas.
"Rather than increasing the number of police on the beat, under this Government there won't be enough recruits to replace officers taken off the beat for the Minister's Highway Patrol, nor to replace those leaving the force.
"District Commanders are publicly acknowledging that they will have to make significant changes to the way they police their districts to meet the budget shortfall.
"There will be fewer police on the beat in New Zealand because this Government is forcing Police to make cutbacks. This Government is making it easier for criminals to commit crimes and harder for police to catch them," Mr Neeson said.

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