No Wonder Aus Is Concerned About NZ Immigrants
No Wonder Australia Is Concerned About Immigrants From New Zealand
Today in the House of Representatives, Rt Hon
Winston Peters, Leader of New Zealand First, took the
unusual step of naming an individual whom he claimed, was
not suitable for New Zealand residency.
“I took this step because I feel strongly about New Zealand being allowed to become a repository for individuals whom neighbouring countries would not accept and to highlight how inept our immigration service has become in weeding out unsuitable applicants to become New Zealanders,” said Mr Peters.
“The individual who also uses a large number of aliases, has demonstrated through his ongoing criminal offending, that he is simply not worthy of the opportunity given to settle in New Zealand, and he should be removed immediately and sent back to his country of origin, Fiji.
“Not content with illegally overstaying in our country for many years, his long list of offending and speculative property and mortgage schemes, have no doubt caused no end of agony and anxiety for Kiwi suppliers, tradespeople and other individuals,” Mr Peters suggested.
“Immigrants to New Zealand, should be
selected solely on their merit and not by having weighed
down the system with endless litigation and clever lawyers’
pleas. The sooner immigrants are required to prove their
worth to our society, through the serving of a period of
good behaviour, the better. In no circumstances, however,
should immigrants with existing lists of offending in their
own country be welcomed into New Zealand,” concluded Mr