Increase In Tertiary Council Member Fees

Published: Thu 7 Dec 2000 10:27 AM
Associate Education (Tertiary Education) Minister Steve Maharey announced today that the Government is to increase the maximum membership fees which can be paid to members of tertiary councils.
Tertiary councils have the responsibility under the Education Act for the governance of their institution and the appointment and monitoring of its Chief Executive. Maximum attendance fees are set by the Minister and tertiary councils are then able to determine the fee payable to their council members within this maximum.
Mr Maharey said that he had decided to increase the maximum attendance fees payable because the Government wanted to ensure it was able to attract and retain high quality council members.
“Good governance is essential for the successful operation of public tertiary institutions.
“Despite the significantly changed role and workload of Councils, the maximum rates payable have not changed since they were set in 1991 and, in some cases, may not adequately reflect the work required of some councils. The increase will address this issue.
"The new maximum rates payable are (all figures are gross):
 Council members: $255 per day, up to $10,980 per year
(up from $170 per day to a maximum of $7,320
per year)
 Council chairs: $19,500 per year honorarium
(up from $9,750 per year)
“I am particularly concerned that the maximum rate for council chairs may not adequately reflect the additional leadership and skills expected of chairs in the governance of institutions. I have therefore reviewed the rates and decided that an increase would be appropriate,” Steve Maharey said.

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