Treasury Confirms Gaps In Gaps Policy
"Treasury has told the Finance & Expenditure Select Committee that there have been no changes to how the Closing the Gaps policy works," National Finance spokesperson Bill English said today.
"The Government announced in the Budget that $243million would be spent on Closing the Gaps for Maori and Pacific people.
"In October the Prime Minister told the media the policy had changed so Closing the Gaps covered all New Zealanders.
"However, Treasury testimony today has made it clear that the shift is just political rhetoric.
"Treasury has agreed there had been no change in how money would be spent or who would benefit from it.
"For instance $113million has been allocated to 'capacity building for Maori'. Treasury said there would be no change in that amount of money and that it would be spent just on Maori.
"The Closing the Gaps policy is a mess. The Prime Minister's statement is just a political move for a Pakeha audience, while in private, she has not changed her commitments."