Advisory: Visit Of President Ricardo Lagos
Prime Minister Helen Clark will be holding talks with the President of the Republic of Chile, Ricardo Lagos, and hosting a state luncheon in his honour, during a one-day visit by President Lagos to Auckland on Sunday. The programme for the visit is:
Sunday 12 November
9 am President Lagos arrives at Auckland International Airport from Rarotonga in Presidential Boeing jet. He will be met by Governor-General Sir Michael Hardie Boys and Helen Clark. After the powhiri, President Lagos will inspect a guard of honour. Media should be at the Aviation Security checkpoint, Cyril Kay Dr, by 8.15 am
11 am Meeting between President Lagos and Helen Clark in the Tui Suite 1, 10th floor, Carlton Hotel, Mayoral Drive, Auckland. Cameras allowed in for start of meeting
11.15 am The President and Prime Minister begin bilateral meeting, with officials, in Tui Suite 2
11.50 am President Lagos and Helen Clark host a press conference in the Coromandel Room, 1st floor
1 pm Helen Clark hosts state luncheon, with President Lagos as guest of honour, in the Grand Ballroom, 1st floor
3.15 pm Visit to the New Zealand Post mail sorting centre, NZ Post Mail Centre, 167 Victoria St West. Met by NZ Post chairman Dr Ross Armstrong
4 pm President Lagos farewelled at Auckland Airport by Sir Michael Hardie Boys, Helen Clark and Mr Carlos Appelgren, the Chilean ambassador to New Zealand. The Presidential Boeing then leaves for Cairns