Casino Report Time Wasting Exercise
Casino Report Time Wasting Exercise
Wednesday 11th Oct 2000 Penny Webster Media Release -- Other
“The report into the Sky City Casino seems to highlight staff infringements that are no different from any large firm with a number of staff,” said ACT Internal Affairs spokesman Penny Webster.
“The Minister himself admits that none of the staff indiscretions involved gaming operations, no breaches of the law by the casino and further still, no breaches of the Casino’s licence.
“The fact is that Sky City was not even required to report any breach but did so in good faith.
“To turn around now and suggest mandatory reporting is like asking a company such as Telecom or even the BNZ to report any staff disciplinary issues to the Minister.
“Surely he has more to do than worry about who paid or did not pay in the staff café” said Mrs Webster
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