Adviser to Minister of Conservation appointed
Monday 18 September 2000 Media Statement
Adviser to Minister of Conservation appointed
Minister Hon Sandra Lee has announced the appointment of
Kevin Smith as her new senior conservation adviser.
Kevin Smith will be resigning his position as the conservation director of the Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand to take up his new position.
Ms Lee said Kevin Smith comes to the position after a distinguished conservation career with Forest and Bird.
"I am pleased to have someone of his calibre to assist me and the Department of Conservation in helping achieve the Government's conservation goals. I also welcome the vote of confidence this represents in the Government's green credentials."
"Kevin has had invaluable experience in establishing successful conservation partnerships with industry, landowners and other key sectors through his involvement in the Threatened Species Trust, the New Zealand Forest Accord, and the New Zealand Landcare Trust."
Ms Lee said the appointment came at an exciting time for conservation in New Zealand.
"The Government has put in place and funded with $187m a Biodiversity Strategy that gives real hope for the future of the kiwi, kereru, Hector's dolphin and other precious native wildlife. All New Zealanders have a stake in the success of the strategy as our unique native plants and animals contribute much to our sense of identity as a country."
Mr Smith is due to commence work as the Minister's senior conservation adviser next month.