Questions For Oral Answer - Wednesday, 6 September
See Scoops Wire after 3pm for paraphrased answers to today's questions
Wednesday, 6 September 2000
Questions to Ministers
1. Rt Hon JENNY SHIPLEY to the Associate Minister of Health: Does she stand by her answer to a supplementary question to oral question No. 2 yesterday that the use of the word "holocaust" was "appropriate" in terms of what happened to the Taranaki people?
2. TAITO PHILLIP FIELD to the Minister of Social Services and Employment: What is the Government doing to help prevent child abuse?
3. Rt Hon WINSTON PETERS to the Minister of Internal Affairs: Are professional fire-fighters able to enter into contracts with the Fire Service to service and maintain fire appliances during their off duty hours?
4. Hon ROGER SOWRY to the Minister of Social Services and Employment: What steps has he taken to fulfil his reported brief from the Prime Minister to act as minder to the Associate Minister of Social Services and Employment (Social Services), Hon Tariana Turia, and has he received any assessment from the Prime Minister as to his performance in his first day in the role?
5. RODNEY HIDE to the Minister of Finance: Does he stand by his statements to the House yesterday in relation to the Bank of New Zealand's forecast of a fiscal deficit this financial year, that "the Bank of New Zealand did not make such a projection", that "There is not a Bank of New Zealand forecast as the member claims.", that "the Bank of New Zealand does not have a formal deficit projection", and "I repeat to the member that there is no forecast anywhere showing a deficit for this current year"; if so, why?
6. CLAYTON COSGROVE to the Minister for Information Technology: What are the aims of the Government's e-commerce summit scheduled for November this year?
7. Hon BILL ENGLISH to the Minister of Finance: How will he promote the New Zealand economy in his upcoming overseas trip when he has overseen the lowest ever level of the New Zealand dollar and likely negative growth?
8. HARRY DUYNHOVEN to the Minister of Transport: Has he received any recent reports with regard to vehicle exhaust emissions in New Zealand; if so, what do they say?
9. Hon Dr NICK SMITH to the Minister of Conservation: How does she reconcile her statement to the House on 23 August that "the bridges on that road during the member's time were unsafe", with the Department of Conservation's report to her on 13 January this year which states "the last DOC engineer inspection found the bridges safe" and the report by Opus Engineering Consultants who state "Bridge does not appear to be under any obvious stress - functioning adequately." and "Results indicate bridge can accommodate 60% of Class 1 loading, and DOC should advise users accordingly."?
10. KEITH LOCKE to the Minister of Police: Is the Government still supporting Myanmar as the host country for this year's annual meeting of the Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies and sending a delegate to the meeting; if so, why?
11. SIMON POWER to the Minister of Youth Affairs: Will she respect the 69-47 vote by the Youth Parliament against the partial decriminalisation of cannabis by instructing the Ministry of Youth Affairs to adopt this policy position and by advocating this position to her Ministerial colleagues; if not, why not?
12. JOE HAWKE to the Minister for Disability Issues: What steps has the Government taken towards achieving Labour and Alliance pre-election promises to reduce the barriers to people with disabilities participating in society?