No more dolphins should be acquired by Marineland
30 August 2000
No more dolphins should be acquired by Marineland
Green MP Sue Kedgley today said no more dolphins should be imported for Napier's marine zoo, Marineland, and that if the zoo could not survive without them, then it should be shut down.
Ms Kedgley said she fully supported the efforts of local Green Party members and SAFE in attempting to prevent any further dolphin acquisations by Marineland.
Since the mid 1980's when an official review of Marineland's operations was held there has been a public outcry every time the zoo has applied for a permit to catch dolphins. Napier City Council, which runs Marineland, has since banned any capture of wild dolphins for the park.
"Currently a Napier City Council Working Group is examining the issues associated with importing captive-bred bottlenose dolphins for the park," said Ms Kedgley. "This is unacceptable to the Green Party."
Ms Kedgley said that in the 35 years that Marineland had been operating around 70 dolphins had died either at the park or upon their release from Marineland. The average life expectancy of a dolphin in captivity was about six years compared to around 20 - 30 years in the wild.
"The Green Party believe dolphins should not be kept in captivity and we oppose any more dolphins for marineland," she said. "If the park cannot survive without dolphins then it should be closed down."
Ms Kedgley said she thought most New Zealanders would agree that dolphins belonged in the sea instead of a tank - regardless of the size - and that New Zealand should not in any way contribute to or aid the capture or captive breeding of dolphins.
Ms Kedgley said she would be writing to both the Minister of Conservation and the Napier City Council to try and halt any imports of dolphins into zoos or parks.
Sue Kedgley MP: 04 6728, 025 270 9088