Lack Of Savings Strategy Makes Super Talks Urgent
Lack Of Savings Strategy Makes Super Talks Urgent - Peters
The Rt Hon Winston Peters MP, Leader of New Zealand First, today said that political parties should put their differences to one side and participate in multi-party talks on superannuation for the sake of all New Zealanders.
“The lack of any long-term savings strategy makes it critical that this issue be treated with extreme urgency by all political leaders not used as just another political football.
“Under MMP the public expect politicians and political parties to put their own agendas to one side and, through consensus and consultation, reach common ground on issues of national importance. This is particularly important regarding superannuation. By refusing to do this, the Prime Minister and the Labour Party are displaying the same old arrogance displayed by previous National and Labour First Past the Post Governments.
“By emphasising the importance of Labour and National in such talks, and minimising the importance of the other parties, Jenny Shipley has again shown herself to be out of touch with MMP, where under this system of government, the other parties are critical. Neither Labour or National can govern without them.
“National’s future is doomed as long as they have a Leader who is so out of touch with the realities of MMP,” said Mr Peters.