Select Committee Weekly News - 11 August
4 to 11 August
Committee meetings
There were 16 committee
meetings, all in the parliamentary complex. In addition,
one meeting (Commerce Committee) is scheduled for tomorrow
morning (Saturday).
Reports presented (8)
Law and
Estimates for 2000/01 Vote
Estimates for 2000/01 Vote
Truth in Sentencing Bill
Petition 1996/10 of Jim
Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
International Crimes and International Criminal Court Bill
Sale of Liquor Amendment Bill
(No 3) (333-2)
Finance and Expenditure
Bank of New Zealand’s Monetary Policy Statement, May 2000
Maori Affairs
Estimates for 2000/01 Vote
Maori Affairs
Bills referred to select committees
bills were referred.
Committee notes
(for further
information on an item, please contact the committee staff
noted in brackets)
Commerce (Alan Witcombe,
The committee is
scheduled to meet this Saturday morning to consider Votes
Consumer Affairs, Government Superannuation Fund, and
Industry and Regional Development with respect to the
2000/01 Estimates of appropriations.
The committee has presented its report on the Sale of Liquor Amendment Bill (No 3). The bill:
removes the monopoly trading
rights of the seven licensing trusts that still have
enables licensing trusts to carry on
business outside their districts
provides for
licensing trusts to be able to reconstitute as community
makes other minor changes to the Sale of
Liquor Act 1989.
“The committee has reported the bill with recommended amendments but could not agree that the bill be passed as amended. The committee was unable to agree on the monopoly trading rights of licensing trusts,” said the Chairperson, David Cunliffe.
Government members believe that licensing trusts that retain exclusive retailing rights in the main return significant benefits to their communities.
Government members support the other amendments in the bill that will lead to significant operational benefits for the licensing trusts. Government members believe that any decision to change trust trading rights should be made by the residents of the trust areas affected but do not believe that triennial polls are necessary.
National and ACT members believe that the retention of the exclusive retailing rights of the trusts constitute a significant restraint on the freedoms of residents within the remaining trust districts.
National and ACT members agree with the recommendation of the Liquor Advisory Committee that forms the basis of the proposal to remove the exclusive trading rights.
Education and
Science (Clare Sullivan,
committee met to consider two of its Estimates. Next week
the committee will receive a briefing from the Wellington
Community Law Centre on its report on the "Communities
Support Schools and Parents" Project.
Also next week, the subcomittee considering the Inquiry into reading in New Zealand will begin hearing evidence in Christchurch. It will meet Thursday afternoon and evening and Friday.
Finance and Expenditure (Graham Hill,
The committee met on 9 August
to consider further the estimates and meet a parliamentary
delegation from the People's Republic of China. At its next
meeting on 16 August the committee will consider further the
Taxation (Annual Rates, GST and Miscellaneous Provisions)
Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade (David Sanders,
The committee met yesterday
between 1 pm and 2 pm. It heard one submision on its
inquiry into the role of human rights in foreign policy.
The rest of the meeting was spent on the Estimates before
the committee. Earlier this week, the committee reported on
its consideration of the International Crimes and
International Criminal Court Bill.
The next meeting is 17 August. The committee will be briefed by a delegation of parliamentarians from South Korea. It will also hear another submission on its inquiry into the role of human rights in foreign policy. Finally, it will hear evidence on a petition in respect of Mordechai Vanunu.
Administration (Fiona McLean,
The committee further considered
the 2000/01 Estimates.
The committee gave initial consideration to the Casino Control (Poll Demand) Amendment Bill, a member’s bill in the name of Willie Jackson. The committee has called for submissions on the bill, with a closing date of 23 September 2000. The bill seeks to amend the Casino Control Act 1990. Under the Act, the Casino Control Authority may not grant or renew a casino premises licence to an applicant until it has received a social impact report from the applicant and satisfied itself that the proposed casino will not have unduly negative social impacts on the place or region. The bill seeks to amend the Act in the following ways:
In order “to satisfy
itself”, the Casino Control Authority would be required to
conduct its own independent social impact
The people of the affected region would
be given the opportunity to demand a poll on the question of
whether to grant or renew a casino premises licence. The
result of this poll would be binding on the Casino Control
The committee will meet next week to continue its consideration of the Gaming Law Reform Bill.
(Nick Aldous,
This week the
committee completed its consideration of 2000/01 Health
Estimates. Next week it will consider the Intellectual
Disability (Compulsory Care) Bill and its companion bill,
the Criminal Justice Amendment Bill (No 7).
Justice and
Electoral (Tracey Conlon,
its meeting on Wednesday, 9 August, the committee considered
the Referenda (Postal Voting) Bill, the Legal Services Bill,
the Matrimonial Property Amendment Bill and Supplementary
Order Paper (SOP) No 25, and several petitions on the
subject of the SOP. It also considered the Inquiry into the
1999 General Election.
The committee will meet again next Wednesday to further consider the Legal Services Bill, the Inquiry into the 1999 General Election, and the Matrimonial Property Amendment Bill and SOP No 25.
The subcommittee did not meet this week, but will meet next Tuesday to continue its consideration of the inquiry into matters relating to the visit of the President of China to New Zealand in September 1999.
Law and Order (Wendy
The committee
presented reports on Votes Police and Corrections and on the
Truth in Sentencing Bill. The committee has recommended
that the Truth in Sentencing Bill not proceed. The report
sets out the views of those members who wanted the bill to
proceed and those who did not.
At its meeting this week the committee considered Vote Serious Fraud and the Crimes Amendment Bill (No 6).
Local Government and
Environment (David Bagnall,
The committee met on Wednesday
in the morning to consider the 2000/01 Estimates for Vote
Conservation and Vote Local Government and the Hazardous
Substances and New Organisms Amendment Bill (No 2). That
afternoon and also on Thursday afternoon the committee
continued its consideration of the Forests (West Coast
Accord) Bill.
Next week the committee will meet on Wednesday 16 August in the morning and afternoon to do further work on these two bills.
MMP Review (Louise
The committee next
meets on 16 August. At this meeting, it is expected the
committee will confirm its schedule of hearings on MMP. In
total, 251 submissions have been received. Of these just
over 70 people have asked to be heard, mostly in Wellington.
The committee is likely to travel to Auckland, Christchurch
and Dunedin.
The terms of reference for the review of MMP are set out in a press release located at
Affairs (Kia Paranihi,
committee considered the Estimates for Vote Maori
Primary Production (Bob Bunch,
Because of urgency in the
House, the committee met on Thursday during the
parliamentary lunch break, 1.00 pm to 2.00 pm. Being an
abbreviated meeting, the committee considered only a few
items. These were the Estimates for Votes Biosecurity and
Vote Lands and the inquiry into the sale of the Property
Services Division of Terralink New Zealand Limited.
Next Thursday, 17 August, the committee commences hearing evidence on its inquiry into organic agriculture in New Zealand. Submissions to be heard include Federated Farmers, Bio-Gro New Zealand, AGCARM, Meat New Zealand and the New Zealand Dairy Board. The hearings will be open to the public and commence just after 10.00 am in Room G.010, Parliament House.
Further hearing dates on the inquiry are as follows:
24 August 2000 - Parliament, Wellington
August 2000 - Centra (Auckland Airport)
7 September 2000
- Palmerston North (venue to be advised)
14 September
2000 - Nelson subject to the House not taking urgency (venue
to be advised)
28 September 2000 - Christchurch (venue to
be advised)
The hearings will be open to the public unless otherwise advised.
Regulations Review (Shelley Banks,
The committee met on Wednesday
9 August. In the afternoon the committee heard evidence
from the Department of Conservation and the New Zealand Fish
and Game Council regarding notices setting fishing and
gaming fees under the Wildlife Act 1953, the Conservation
Act 1987 and the Maori Land Amendment and Maori Land Claims
Adjustment Act 1926.
The committee next meets on Wednesday 16 August from 8.30 am to 9.20 am.
Social Services (Tim
The Social Services
Committee received a briefing on the issue of the
administration of special benefits. It heard evidence from
the authors of two recent reports on the subject by the
Downtown Community Ministry and the Wellington People's
Centre. It also heard evidence from the Department of Work
and Income (which administers the benefit) and the Ministry
of Social Policy (which oversees the policy for it). The
committee will not meet next week.
Transport and
Industrial Relations (Lyn Main,
The Ministry of Transport and
the Land Transport Safety Authority briefed the committee at
its meeting on Wednesday on the additional expenditure
allocated to the Safety (Administration) Programme and the
Driver Licensing Review. The additional expenditure is for
a number of initiatives aimed at improving road safety. It
has been estimated that these initiatives will save from
between 63 lives per year (lower limit of estimate) to 105
lives per year (upper limit of estimate). The Driver
Licensing Review is being conducted by
PriceWaterhouseCoopers. The final report on the review
should be with the Minister of Transport by the end of
October 2000.
Closing dates for submissions
are receiving submissions on the following items with the
closing date shown. Twenty copies of submissions are
Chartered Professional Engineers of
New Zealand Bill (1 September 2000)
Supplementary Order
Paper (SOP) No 37 relating to the Commerce Amendment Bill
(15 September 2000)
Foreign Affairs, Defence and
New Zealand Nuclear Free Zone Extension Bill (2
October 2000)
Government Administration
Casino Control
(Poll Demand) Amendment Bill (23 September 2000)
and Electoral
Local Elections (Single Transferable Vote
Option) Bill (1 September 2000)
Local Government and
Tauranga District Council (Route K Toll)
Empowering Bill (1 September 2000)
Foreign Fishing Crew Wages and Repatriation
Bond Bill (4 September 2000)
Social Services
Welfare (Transitional Provisions) Amendment Bill (11 August
Children, Young Persons and Their Families
Amendment Bill (No 3) (20 October 2000)
Student Loan
Scheme Amendment Bill (8 September 2000)
You can find further information about select committees on our website at If you require additional information or have any feedback on the contents, please contact:
Carol Rankin
Senior Parliamentary
Compiled in the Select Committee Office, Office of the Clerk, 11 August 2000