Dr Cullen's address to DTT
DTT & Council for Economic Development of Australia
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Level 21, 505 Bourke
St, Melbourne
Dr Cullen's address to Deloitte Touche
Tohmatsu & the Council for Economic Development of
It is usual for Australians and New
Zealanders to celebrate their great and enduring rivalry,
mainly because the rivalry has such a positive historical
tradition. In fact on Saturday the positive features of that
rivalry were so evident on the rugby field that our South
African guest allowed all of us to enjoy it for a few
minutes longer. For this we thank him.
Today I want to
talk about where Australia and New Zealand may head
collectively. This is where rivalry is put aside in the
interests of common interests.
In economic terms, we have
seen an incredible level of integration during the last
twenty years. We have a common labour market, a common goods
market, and an almost completely open frontier as far as
investment is concerned and we even have a common commercial
banking sector. The latter was by accident, rather than
design, I must sadly conclude.
So is the business
finished? Do we now just get on with life to best advantage
within our mini common market?
I would like to suggest
that there are three areas, not so much of unfinished
business, but on which we construct the next plateau. The
first is the integration, or at least harmonisation, of
commercial law and regulation. The second is in the broader
dimension of reciprocal rights of citizenship. The last is
our joint interest in building new international
I don’t need to dwell on the next steps
for commercial law harmonisation. On a number of occasions I
have indicated that the New Zealand government is taking
steps to upgrade our competition law. Better protection for
minority shareholders in the event of a takeover bid, and
better protections against insider trading are part of that.
Reviews of the regulatory regime applying to the
telecommunications and electricity industries constitute
another part. A more robust standard on anti-competitive
activities is being established.
I have also made it
clear that if there is a desire by the stock exchanges of
both countries to move towards greater integration, and if
the law is a barrier to that, then I am willing to sponsor
legislative change that will reduce those barriers.
is one final part of this package on which more work needs
to be done. At the moment imputation tax credits earned by
companies cannot be claimed by shareholders resident in the
other country. There are significant revenue implications in
moving to a mutual recognition of imputation credits earned.
But the issue may be one for future discussion between our
two governments. In the meantime, I expect progress to be
made on what is usually called the triangular tax
The question of rights of citizenship in both
countries generally has a much lower profile, which is
surprising because we had an open border for people long
before we had an open border for goods. In fact so ingrained
is the notion of freedom to move across the Tasman in our
respective national psyches that very few of our respective
nationals bother to change citizenship, even when in their
own minds they have made a permanent shift in abode.
simply don’t go around with “Kiwi” or “Aussie” stamped on
their foreheads or imbedded in their residential intentions.
The problem is that as governments we tend to think that
they do, and there is a regular attempt to do some sort of
social welfare reconciliation on who owes what for the
income support of the citizens resident in each other’s
We may be reaching a stage in our relationship
where the fiction of being foreigners in each other’s
countries needs to be exposed. This is a sensitive issue, as
much politically as financially – perhaps more so. On this
side of the Tasman there is the stereotype of the so-called
Kiwi bludger on Bondi Beach. From our side we firmly believe
that there is a massive economic advantage to Australia in
the flow of labour between our two countries.
Kiwis who
come here tend to have higher labour force participation
rates, lower unemployment rates, and higher earnings than
the Australian average. And that is after taking Russell
Crowe out of the averages. This means that not only does the
New Zealand taxpayer bear a significant portion of the cost
of developing the human capital that you use, but those who
come here tend to raise the per capita tax paid relative to
per capita income support paid.
Don’t get me wrong – we
realise you need help and we are happy to help you out – but
at times I feel like sending a bill for tax paid by
Australian resident kiwis every time I get a bill to cover
some of the costs of Australian resident kiwi beneficiaries.
The finances aren’t my main argument. My main argument is
that if we are a genuine common market we need to get the
notion of sub-markets out of our policy practices.
third element of our unfinished business is how we relate to
the rest of the world. There are trends in the global
marketplace that are at times contradictory. At one level,
markets are opening up and trade is becoming freer. At
another, trade is consolidating within regional trading
blocs or economic communities. Our mutual problems are our
size and our distance. Even together we are too small and
too far away from the high income mass markets of the world
to take full advantage of the opportunities of the global
In this environment, there is a tendency for
both of our economies to develop a mix of commodity trade
and niche marketing. We compete in the lowest and the
highest ends of the value chain. Our fuller growth
potential, and the capacity to raise the living standards of
our people, rests essentially on our success in moving back
towards the middle from both ends of the spectrum.
commodity based industries need to add more value, and our
niche products need to penetrate larger markets. In theory
we can do this from our Australasian fortress. It does need
a lot of research and development, skills enhancement,
market penetration and so on. I am not sure how your economy
has done in this regard, but our performance has been less
than stellar.
There is no magic bullet, but I think our
mutual economic interests are enhanced if we move to expand
the range of countries with which we have enhanced special
relationships. These can fall short of full economic union
and indeed even short of full free trade
There are, though, countries where mutual
interest can improve the size of the markets within which we
all expand the penetration of value added product. Obvious
examples are Singapore and Chile, but we should not see that
as the limit of our options.
My theme is that we are
close socially, historically and economically, and yet we
develop our social and economic strategies totally
independently. I haven’t got any firm ideas on how to close
that process gap, but I have signalled in New Zealand that
at some point we need to develop what I have tentatively
labelled an “Australia strategy”. The logical extension of
that is that we develop it through a process of
The rivalry will not end, but we can
pursue the rivalry from a position where we can collectively
pursue and advance our individual