Safer Roads: Are Motorists To Pay More?
Safer Roads: Are Motorists To Pay More?
Comments by Transport Minister Mark Gosche that he intends to spend more money on roading has delighted New Zealand First’s Transport Spokesperson, Mr Peter Brown MP.
“At last the recognition by Mr Gosche that more money needs to be spent on roading has been realised,” said Mr Brown.
“There can be no question that if more money was spent on New Zealand Roads less fatalities and serious accidents would occur, thereby saving millions spent in health areas for the taxpayer. This was confirmed in the Ministry of Transport’s own document ‘Better Roads, Better Transport’, where it was stated road design contributed to 15% of road fatalities.
“My challenge to Mr Gosche is, having at last recognised this inescapable fact, tell us how he will obtain the extra money. Will he move to generate the funds needed through even more tax on petrol and diesel, or alternatively as New Zealand First has long advocated, from the 18.7cents per litre on petrol which currently goes into the consolidated fund. I challenge Mr Gosche to specifically state whether he persnally will be advocating extra funds coming from the excise tax or whether he intends to push to increase fuel prices even further.
“The Government is to be congratulated for conceding that increased expenditure on roading equates to improved safety conditions, but Mr Gosche must spell out exactly how he intends to obtain the extra funding. He needs to do that now,” concluded Mr Brown.