Greens give biosecurity much needed boost

Published: Fri 16 Jun 2000 09:39 AM
15 June 2000
Greens give biosecurity much needed boost
The Green Party today said it had negotiated $2.75 million from the Green Budget Package to step up border control. This funding will help tackle the many pests which are currently entering New Zealand and threatening the country’s biodiversity, agriculture and forestry.
Green Party Biosecurity Spokesperson Ian Ewen-Street said he was very disappointed that despite the recent discoveries of the Varroa mite, the Painted Apple Moth, the Asian Gypsy Moth, snakes, weeds and mosquitoes (among others), no increase had been planned by the Government for inspection of containers or used vehicles and machinery.
“The Greens’ addition to Vote Biosecurity will help tighten up our border controls to protect our unique flora and fauna and our vital agriculture and forestry production,” said Mr Ewen-Street.
“Biosecurity in New Zealand is currently inadequate. The Greens are happy that the Minister for the Environment has worked constructively with us in agreeing this increased funding for border control.”
“The Greens strongly support the Governments $2.7 million on developing a biosecurity strategy but believe we cannot wait for that to be completed before tackling the containers and vehicles which we know are bringing in pests now,” he said.

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