Historic Victory For Greens On The Cards - Greens - Missing Ballot Papers - Police Chase - Prozac Therapy Ordered - Chechnya - Cuban Boy Row - Home Invasion
HISTORIC VICTORY FOR GREENS? - Strong signs the Greens are going to be in Parliament this evening. TV3 understands the Greens are well out in front in Coromandel. Steven Parker is waiting at the airport for Jeanette Fitzsimons. Jeanette's spirits rise through the day. She is flying to Wellington tonight to meet with colleagues. On election night the Greens were 114 votes behind in Coromandel. Now, unofficially, they have a 347 seat majority in the seat. Helen Clark however remains skeptical. Winston Peters has not been giving any interviews today while waiting for the result in Tauranga.
GREENS: Steven Parker Live: Q: So who will we get? A: Well you will get the top 6 on the list. Say hello Bradford, hello to Nandoor. The official results will not be through till after 7pm. Q: How will the Greens fit in? A: The coalition formed without the Greens. The Greens feel as though their goodwill has been burnt off. The Greens feel they have been ignored this past week and the new government cannot expect any favours.
MISSING BALLOT PAPERS: The Chief Electoral Office have confirmed that 100 ballot papers have gone missing in the Rangitikei seat. Police have been asked to investigate.
POLICE CHASE: A teenager has been injured during a car chase with police after he fell out of the car and was hit by a Police car.
PROZAC THERAPY ORDERED: A Family Court Judge has ordered a youth to take Prozac against the wishes of his mother.
CHECHNYA: Russia has warned everybody in the city of Grozny to leave within five days - or die. Huddling in shelters time is running out for the remaining civilian population. 50,000 residents are left in the city. Many of those remaining are too old and too infirm to leave. Those who can't walk can't leave - there is no transport. Meanwhile Russian's have been consolidating their gains around the Chechen capital . President Boris Yeltsin has also made a public appearance today.
CUBAN BOY ROW: The US has rejected Cuba's ultimatum for the return of a six-year-old boy found floating near Florida on thanksgiving day. Castro is using this to play to the international and Cuban public says an analyst. Castro has threatened to "move heaven and earth" to get the boy back. Today the boy celebrated his birthday and massive protests were held in Havana.
HOME INVASION: Lower Hutt home invasion victim Barry Cholmondley returns home from hospital after a month spent recovering. He misses his elderly dog - which was put down while he was away. He says he feels safe enough back in his house.