Greens Attacked - Christmas - Parade - Winz - Toast Martinborough - Violence On The Streets - Floods and LOTR - Inside Political Headlines - Te Papa Editorial
GREENS ATTACKED: The Evening Post leads tonight with a report that ACT leader Richard Prebble accused Green candidate Sue Bradford of being a revolutionary, as attacks on the Greens intensified.
CHRISTMAS: The front page photo shows Christmas trees bedecked in lights in Oriental Bay.
Also on the front page:
- PARADE: a report that it was a Christmas parade that only the reindeer could enjoy - it rained on the parade;
- WINZ: a report that a mother desperate for food was turned away from Johnsonville's Work and Income New Zealand office because staff were too bust shifting into new premises;
- TOAST MARTINBOROUGH: a report that more than 700 vehicles were stopped at a police checkpoint after Toast Martinborough yesterday, but no drivers were drunk;
- VIOLENCE ON THE STREETS: a report that violence rocked the capital at the weekend with several people needing medical attention after a string of vicious attacks;
- FLOODS AND LOTR: a report that a Lord of the Rings film set has been washed away by floodwaters near Queenstown;
Inside Political Headlines
- Prebble
concedes he's the underdog;
- Parties fret over the party
- Clark's plans after victory;
- Parliamentary
'gravy train' comes with a big price ticket;
- Cutting PM
numbers unites professionals - survey;
- Greens cry foul
over pamphlet;
- Wyllie's support plummets
Editorial: Te Papa's well but what's the future