The Dominion
TRANSGENIC COWS: Protests are expected outside ERMA today as hearings are held on an AgResearch proposal to place human genes in cows. Most of the 28 submissions are expected to oppose the application.
CHILD STABBING: A 10 year old boy stabbed a store attendant with a craft knife after being confronted for stealing a drink. The attendant suffered a slashed hand.
ATM FEES: Rural communities would bear the brunt of increasing ATM fees according to banking experts.
FILM MAKERS: Wellington Councillor Alick Shaw is off to India to try and woo Indian film makers to do more work in New zZealand.
MOORE: After 24 years as a Labour MP Mike Moore farewelled parliament yesterday in a good natured speech.
LYPRINOL: The controversial mussel extract Lyprinol could be back on shelves within a month under a different name.
WINEBOX: Winston Peters and Sir William Birch traded blows in Parliament yesterday over tax loopholes and the Winebox inquiry.
LOGGING: Conservation groups have attacked the government’s decision to approve further native logging on the West Coast.
INCIS: The final
two stages of the INCIS project will be cheap at around $7
million dollars according to the