The New York Times
The New York Times leads with a report that a deal on
taxation issues with the Republicans is possible in
President Clinton's budget after he laid out his proposal on
Monday to use the fast-growing Federal budget surplus to
eliminate the national debt while shoring up Social Security
and Medicare.
STARR - Sources say Kenneth Starr has reached a plea agreement which Hubbell will plead guilty to a felony charge of lying about the role he and Hillary Rodham Clinton played in a questionable Arkansas land deal.
KOSOVO - Relief workers in Kosovo desperate for syringes, penicillin and insulin found many of the hundreds of boxes of medical donations instead contained Chap Stick, Preparation H and anti-smoking inhalers.
FRAUD - A man believed responsible for a spectacular insurance fraud, Martin Frankel, turned to a business consultant with ties to powerful people, in order to befriend corporate and religious elites on two continents.
PRESIDENTIAL RACE - Many politically active conservatives say they are increasingly frustrated and distressed by the early dominance of George W. Bush in the Republican Presidential race.
SCHOOL KILLINGS - More than two months after the school killings in Littleton, the most painful question persists: How could the killers' families not have realized that something, everything, was seriously awry?
INTERNET PIRACY - After months of struggle over the future of music distribution, the recording industry announced an agreement that will enable electronics makers to begin mass production of portable digital music players while technology to protect against piracy is still being developed.
EMBRYOS - Members of a White House ethics panel decided in a straw vote to recommend that federally financed scientists be allowed to derive embryonic stem cells from human embryos as well as to conduct research on stem cells derived by others.
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