New Christmas Cannabis Policy from Labour

Dr Ben Jansen
Dr Ben Jansen is Oceania's leading prescriber of cannabis medicines, and a co-founder of The Hemp Foundation. Jansen says: “I’d like to thank the Labour Party and Chris Woodney. Thanks to his policy remit at Labour’s national conference, and Labour’s full support, it is now official policy to exempt hemp products from the Misuse of Drugs Act, the Medicines Act, the ACVM Act & its Regulations, again.”
This means Kiwi farmers will be able to compete globally, and to provide kiwis with important products. Our health system will benefit greatly.” says Dr Jansen. “We are very grateful to the Labour Party, and to Chris, our Director of R&D.
“This is huge,” said Mr Woodney. “It’s a return to science based, public interest based policy. It will improve our health, wealth, sustainability, and reduce our dependence on big pharma. The reality is, using this crop properly will help make NZ great again” said Mr Woodney. “Once farmers realise what this means, I think Labour could govern alone after 2020.”
Thirteen years ago, In 2006, after exhaustive research and consultation, Helen Clark put New Zealand in a position to lead the world in the multi billion dollar field of cannabis and its related products. The Clark Govt did this by legalising CBD rich, low THC hemp crops & their products.
“Too few people know that the hemp plant is our oldest agricultural crop, has numerous important uses, and miraculous nutritional qualities. In fact it could potentially outcompete 38% of existing medicines, just as a whole food oil, but much more safely.” Says Tadhg Stopford co-founder of the Hemp Foundation.
“But from 2008 the National Party took New Zealand from leadership to laggard, leaving our patients dependent on big pharma, our health costs spiralling out of control, and our farmers reliant on dairy.” said Mr Stopford. “Mr Woodneys hemp remit reinstates the evidence based hemp legislation of Helen Clark’s government. This legislation was world leading, and should have seen New Zealand pioneer High CBD low THC hemp crops for health, wealth, and manufacturing.”
A little known secret of low THC hemp is that its essential oils are an important food. These oils mirror important molecules of our own, which are essential for our health and wellbeing. They are part of our ‘cannabinoid system’, something we share with all other mammals. Cannabinoids are its essential messengers. We make them, and so does the plant. Although hemp can’t get you high, if you can eat its ‘messengers of health’, you can improve yours. That’s why Italian pharmaceutical drug sales plummeted 11%, in multiple categories, when Hemp became legal there in 2016, ten years after Helen Clark first allowed us that brief opportunity.
Doctor surveys conducted by The Hemp Foundation shows that informed medical professionals overwhelmingly support the idea of dietary cannabinoids being returned to the food web.
“As whole plant foods and supplements, hemp could help us reverse our current health and related financial crisis” says Mr Woodney. “Helen Clark lifted the moratorium on cannabis to permit the development of a hemp industry. But the National party disabled that opportunity for farmers and ordinary kiwis with anti competitive, irrational, and irregular actions. These included using ‘anonymous legal advice’ to override the government’s chief forensic scientist, General Manager of ESR, and co-founder of the Expert Advisory Committee on Drugs, Dr Keith Bedford.” said Mr Stopford. “It’s time we made things right, Thank you Labour.”