NZ iPhone plans - December 2013

Published: Sun 15 Dec 2013 02:53 PM
Apple's iPhone 5S remains the world's top-selling smartphone. New Zealand carriers report it is popular here too.
Recently 2degrees added iPhone models to its range. I've updated the plan table, shown below to reflect this. Although the company's prices are a little lower than Telecom NZ or Vodafone, at the moment the smaller carrier doesn't offer a 4G network.
Monthly plans take the sting out of buying a new phone. However, unless you're a heavy phone user you'll probably get better long-term value if you buy the phone outright, then choose the plan that best meets your needs. That way you won't be caught with a termination fee if you need to cancel your plan before the term ends.
In the table we've calculated the total cost over two years of each option. You'll need to scroll the table sideways to see this. Prices range from $1645 to $3875 - that's almost $4000.
The NZ Apple Store sells the 16 GB model for $1049. The 32 GB iPhone 5S is $1199 and 64 GB is $1349.
Notes on the table
All the plans in this table offer unlimited text messages, subject
to fair use provisions. In practice hardly anyone ever hits those limits.
All the plans in this table are for 24 month terms. If the carriers have 12 month plans, they’re well hidden.
If you go over your plan data caps there are options to buy more data. Both Telecom NZ and Vodafone charge 20 cents per megabyte as a casual rate when you bust your cap.
Vodafone and 2degrees unlimited minutes – also subject to fair use rules – applies to New Zealand and Australia.
[digitl 2013]
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Freelance journalist.
Auckland-based Bill Bennett writes technology and business stories that are directly relevant to New Zealand readers.
His emphasis is on telecommunications, but he also covers other aspects of technology and business. You can find his features in the New Zealand Herald and hear him regularly on RNZ Nine to Noon and the NZ Tech Podcast.
Bennett's The Download Weekly newsletter is published every Friday. You can sign up for it here. If you want to support his work, you can make a donation to his PressPatron account.
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