Surefire way to help prevent heartbreak this Valentine's Day

Published: Fri 10 Feb 2012 09:52 AM
10 February 2012
A surefire way to help prevent heartbreak this Valentine's Day
If you're sending a last-minute Valentine's Day card (or two) today, spare a though for those whose hearts need more than just a little romance.
New Zealand Post is encouraging people to choose Valentine's Day cards which support the New Zealand Heart Foundation.
"We're a major sponsor of the Heart Foundation, and with hearts being the main symbol of Valentine's Day we hope people will help us raise funds the Heart Foundation," Nicola Airey, the head of sponsorship for New Zealand Post says.
"Your initial aim may be to win their hearts, but in the longer term you'll want them to have healthy hearts which ensure a long and active life."
New Zealand Post recently released its first ever set of 'heart health' stamps, available from PostShops, which generate a dollar for the Heart Foundation from every pack sold.
"It's a small thing you can do to show support for the Foundation and the great work it does around heart research and education," Nicola Airey says. "And if you get a card with a heart stamp on it, that's a sign that your suitor has a caring and charitable side to them."
People can also personalise their cards - using practically any photo or image they want, by visiting and designing their own Valentine's card.
"That's a New Zealand Post service, and there's a special option at which asks if you want to include a donation to the Heart Foundation. If you make a donation then that charitable gesture will be noted on the card you send," Nicola Airey says.
"We're not talking e-cards here - these are actual physical greetings cards which will turn up in his or her mailbox.
"Who knows, showing your charitable side may even help win over your intended. Or maybe one day help save your life," Nicola Airey said.
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