Scoop Top 30 weekend Ratings

Published: Mon 13 Sep 2004 09:44 AM
The Weekend’s top 30 rating items on Scoop were...
1: Why Not Just Genetically Engineer Women For Milk?
MAdGE (Mothers Against Genetic Engineering in Food and the Environment) today launched a highly controversial billboard campaign in Auckland and Wellington to provoke public debate about the social and cultural ethics of genetic engineering in New Zealand.
2: New Book: Senator Wellstone Was Murdered
Senator Paul Wellstone was, ''the first 1960s radical elected to the U.S. Senate.'' In Senate Race 2002, the White House made defeating Wellstone priority #1. Karl Rove hand-picked arch Republican Norm Coleman to run against him. Despite massive funding, ...
3: Chuckman Cartoons: Bush & 9/11
Two cartoons from John Chuckman reflecting on Bush's actions on September 11th 2001 and subsequently.
4: High Voltage Opera Helps Oncology
Genesis Energy Chief Executive, Murray Jackson momentarily swopped his “captain of industry hat” for a toreador’s montera this week assisted by opera star, Jessie Raven (pictured). Miss Raven who performs the title role in the upcoming Genesis ...
5: Flushing away cancer research
Christchurch Animal Action will be out on the streets during Daffodil Day, encouraging members of the public to not flush half their donation down the toilet.
6: 81 Kids Are Still Locked Up - Who Cares?
It is now 3 months past the HREOC deadline and there are still 81 children locked in secure detention centres in Australia and Nauru.
7: Images: Departing LOTR Stars Meet Their Planes
The Lord of the Ring's stars come face to face with themselves on the side of Air NZ planes as they bid New Zealand goodbye at Wellington Airport before boarding the Air New Zealand 767 emblazoned with giant images of the characters Aragorn and Arwen.
8: Scoop Images: Hurricane Ivan To Clobber Jamaica
Hurricane Ivan, now Category 5, has strengthened markedly over the last 24 hours and is bearing down on Jamaica where 500,000 people have been urged to evacuate from low lying areas of the Island group. On its way towards Jamaica Ivan clobbered the ...
9: Doug Giebel: Rove's Reign Of Terror
In his convention acceptance speech, President George W. Bush used a variation of the word ''terror'' a mere sixteen times. A few days later, during a day's campaign appearances in Missouri, the Bush references to terror totalled forty-three.
10: Images: Lord Of The Rings Exhibition At Te Papa
In anticipation of the release of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, the central instalment in writer/director/producer Peter Jackson's epic trilogy based on the J.R.R. Tolkien masterpiece, Te Papa proudly announces a world exclusive and a bold ...
11: Relief Prepared As Hurricane Ivan Passes Caribbean
United Nations humanitarian agencies are accelerating the deployment of staff and emergency kits to the Caribbean, where Hurricane Ivan - the latest in a series of tropical storms to strike the region this season - is already wreaking deadly havoc.
12: UQ Wire: The Coincidence Theorist's Guide to 9/11
That governments have permitted terrorist acts against their own people , and have even themselves been perpetrators in order to find strategic advantage is quite likely true, but this is the United States we're talking about.
13: Sludge Report #127 - The Hunt For Flight 77
In This Edition: The Hunt For Flight 77 - A Truly Remarkable French Website - Disinformation Warning! - Not Everyone Is Convinced - Eyewitness Reports Of The Crash….
14: Angie Pratt: Top 10 "W" Stands for
The top ten answers to what the "W" in George W Bush stands are:
15: Norma Sherry: Girls Of The Olympics
Playboy Magazine arrived in our mailbox yesterday. On the cover was a striking Olympiad in a rather demure bathing suit, but the promised story was far different.
16: Prof. William Beckman Gets Solar Energy Award
Denver, Colorado (September 1, 2004) – The International Energy Agency’s (IEA) Solar Heating & Cooling Programme is committed to expanding the market share of solar energy. By recognizing outstanding contributions made in the solar field, the IEA Solar Heating ...
17: Inside A U.S. Election Vote Counting Program
Publication of this story marks a watershed in American political history. It is offered freely for publication in full or part on any and all internet forums, blogs and noticeboards. All other media are also encouraged to utilise material. Readers ...
18: Damian Clarke’s Update From Palestine (11)
Damian Clarke is a 31 year old from Miramar in Wellington, NZ and is currently in Palestine under training with the International Solidarity Movement - a group of internationalists campaigning for peace in the Middle East. Damian is writing to ...
19: Diebold Memos Disclose Florida 2000 E-Voting Fraud
Something very strange happened in Volusia County on election night November 2000, the night that first Gore won Florida, then Bush, and then as everybody can so well remember there was a tie.
20: Scoop Images: King Kong Press Conference Pics
A series of images from this week's press conference with Peter Jackson and stars from King Kong presently shooting in Wellington.
21: The 911 Evidence that May Hang George W. Bush
The Case Against G.W. Bush: a Preliminary "Hearing" in the Court of Common Sense
22: UQ Wire: Cobb Calls for New 9/11 Probe
During the Republican National Convention, when the GOP was zealously exploiting 9/11 to sell Bush-Cheney and the endless ''war on terror,'' a poll was released stating that half of New Yorkers now think that Bush team members purposely allowed 9/11 ...
23: Colin L. Powell - The Crisis In Darfur
Secretary Colin L. Powell Testimony Before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (Scroll down for prepared written testimony) Washington, DC September 9, 2004
24: Honduras' Response to Violence Made It Worse
• Alarming levels of gang and government violence continues to plague Honduras as President Ricardo Maduro’s superficial and crow-pleasing anti-violence rhetoric and measures are becoming increasingly counter-productive and controversial, putting ...
25: UQ Wire: 911 - They Let It Happen On Purpose!
Imagine you wake up from a coma and you learn that 11 months ago, an "Attack on America" destroyed some significant buildings, killed 3,000 people and forced a war against terrorism. You switch on the news and see pictures of Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel, ...
26: 911 Victim’s Wife Files RICO Case Against GW Bush
Philip J. Berg, Esquire, announced today that he, attorney for Ellen Mariani, wife of Louis Neil Mariani, who died when United Air Lines flight 175 was flown into the South Tower of the World Trade Center on 9-11 at a news conference regarding the ...
27: Scoop Images: Ivan Strengthens Heads For Cuba
Category five Hurricane Ivan is now one of the most dangerous hurricanes on record in the Caribbean with a central pressure approaching 900mb and packing winds in excess of 250 kmh.
28: E-Voting: The New Battle Hymn Of The Republic
The fight for Ohio’s 20 electoral votes this November is being waged in the courts, the election boards, the polling places and the streets.
29: Alex Doherty: Diego Garcia
This is the second time I have written about Diego Garcia. This time as with the first when I informed my friends, (many of them left-wing activists), of my subject they responded by asking 'Who's that?' or, less frequently, 'Where's that?'
30: Marjorie Cohn: The Preemptive President
Under the guise of preempting - or preventing - threats to the American people, George W. Bush has acted aggressively to ''jump the gun'' throughout his presidency.
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