Scoop Top 30 Daily Ratings

Published: Tue 17 Aug 2004 09:54 AM
Yesterday’s top 30 rating items on Scoop were...
1: Should marijuana be legalised for medicinal use?
Cannabis should be legalised for medical use if - and only if - there are compelling arguments put forward by the medical and scientific communities.
2: Why Not Just Genetically Engineer Women For Milk?
MAdGE (Mothers Against Genetic Engineering in Food and the Environment) today launched a highly controversial billboard campaign in Auckland and Wellington to provoke public debate about the social and cultural ethics of genetic engineering in New Zealand.
3: Labour Overtakes National In Latest Poll
A One News-Colmar Brunton poll now records Labour leading national in the popularity stakes. Labour has gained five points to 44 percent and National has dropped three points to settle on 40 percent.
4: AU: Urge Nigeria to surrender Charles Taylor
African Union: Member states should urge Nigeria to surrender Charles Taylor to the Special Court on Sierra Leone
5: Trouble in the World's Largest Oil Field - Ghawar
There are four oil fields in the world which produce over one million barrels per day. Ghawar, which produces 4.5 million barrels per day, Cantarell in Mexico, which produces nearly 2 million barrels per day, Burgan in Kuwait which produces 1 million ...
6: Images: Departing LOTR Stars Meet Their Planes
The Lord of the Ring's stars come face to face with themselves on the side of Air NZ planes as they bid New Zealand goodbye at Wellington Airport before boarding the Air New Zealand 767 emblazoned with giant images of the characters Aragorn and Arwen.
7: Scoop Images: ACT's Welfare Symposium
A photo essay from the Welfare Symposium held by ACT Deputy Leader Muriel Newman in the Beehive Theatrette on Saturday.
8: Public Address 16/08/04 - Funny Turns
The One News Colmar Brunton poll will have been the one that Labour was sweating on. Through some vagary of polling method, it is traditionally the unkindest poll for the centre-left. It was also the poll that confirmed the Brash backlash earlier ...
9: NGOs Claim Israeli Agent Barkan In North Korea
Zev Barkan the suspected Israeli Mossad agent on the run from New Zealand Police has been sighted in North Korea, according to an Asian-based NGO closely linked to New Zealand intelligence networks.
10: Olympic Sailing Results for New Zealand 15 August
Racing is underway for the entire New Zealand sailing team at the Olympic Games in Athens. Seasoned Olympic medallist Barbara Kendall won her first race and sits in 3rd place after her first day of sailing.
11: Free Expression: Love, Honour, and OBEY!
In a few weeks I will be heading off to get married. People will travel great distances to see us. People we see every day and people we don't see for years will be there.
12: Poisoned kids a sign of a drinking crisis
Green MP Nandor Tanczos says the doubling of hospitalisations of 10 to 14-year-olds for alcohol poisoning is very distressing but insists the blame does not rest with 18 and 19-year-olds.
13: Business, Profits & Economic Progress - Roger Kerr
The chief social role of business is to produce the goods and services that people need in their daily lives. By making better and cheaper products, and creating new ones, firms raise living standards and countries grow richer. Business is the wealth-creating ...
14: ACT's The Letter - Monday 16 August 2004
Commentators keep insisting the world is running out of oil but oil would have to reach US $100 a barrel to be at the peak price of the 1970s’ oil crisis. And while we’re debunking stories we are reminded that David Bellamy has written that it is ...
15: Look Out To Sea While We Steal Your Land
ACT New Zealand Maori Affairs Spokesman Stephen Franks today warned Maori throughout the country that, while Maori are wailing about foreshore they've never owned, Labour is preparing to steal their riverbanks.
16: The Libertarian Candidate for President
I've been interviewing all of the candidates from the local Sheriff to the national candidates on my television show, The Norma Sherry Show. On August 6th, my guest was Michael Badnarik, the Libertarian candidate for president.
17: New Chance To Correct The Drinking Age
The Drug Foundation welcomes the second chance Parliament has to return the drinking age to 20.
18: Emirates Expands Christchurch Services
Emirates is moving up a gear in Christchurch ? from tomorrow (Tuesday) the Dubai-based international airline doubles the frequency of its services from the South Island gateway.
19: Foreshore and Seabed submission process 'farcical'
Green MP Metiria Turei today slammed the Government's plan to ignore the provinces when hearing submissions on the Foreshore and Seabed Bill.
20: World Oil Demand Surges- Saudi Oil Capacity Doubts
In the autumn of 1999 Dick Cheney expressed concern that in the coming years world demand for oil was projected to rise at the rate of 2% per annum:
21: Telecom Announces Ihug And Orcon To Trial UBS
Telecom has agreed with ihug and Orcon to take part in a one month trial of Telecom’s Unbundled Bitstream Service (UBS), which will be commercially launched in mid September.
22: Tested : Polaris Ranger off-road utility vehicle
At first I thought the $16,395 ($14,573.33 plus GST) Polaris Ranger TM was neither fish, flesh nor fowl. It's clearly not an ATV as we know it. Equally clearly it's not a normal ute. But it combines some of the more useful attributes of both, as ...
23: Microsoft Releases Windows XP Service Pack 2
Microsoft New Zealand today confirmed that Windows(r) XP Service Pack 2 with Advanced Security Technologies has been released to manufacturing over the weekend. The easiest way for most customers to ensure they receive Windows XP Service Pack 2 is through ...
24: Staeside with Rosalea: C'mon Honey, Light My Fire
Wow! What other word can be used to describe the opening of the Olympic Games in Athens? Is it just me, or was the final part of the ceremony very sort of clitoral-vulvic, if not downright G-spot?
25: Marc My Words: The Love Of Justice And Freedom
Much of my job in Parliament revolves around the passing of laws that curb extreme human nature. In the case of those who desecrated the Jewish gravestones in Wellington, their humanity is debateable.
26: Escaping The Welfare Trap
Muriel Newman Speech to Symposium on Welfare Reform; Saturday August 14, 2004; Beehive Theatre, Wellington
27: Journalist Ewa Jasiewicz Barred From Israel
Ewa Jasiewicz, Journalist and human rights activist from Great Britain has been barred from entering Israel and was detained yesterday at Tel Aviv, Ben Gurion Airport by security authorities. An injunction on her deportation was obtained and a judge ...
28: Rod Stewart – One Night Only at the Mission Estate
Rod Stewart – One Night Only at the Mission Estate Winery Concert – It’s All Rod and It’s All Night!
29: Yellow flag waved at V8 consent hearing
Independent commissioners today waved a yellow flag at the Auckland V8 International resource consent hearing when they called for more information from the applicants.
30: Greg Palast: A Still Dim Bulb, One Year Later ...
One year ago today, the lights went out. Even when the Big Blackout ended, the power pirates who have us by the bulbs kept us in the dark, fibbing, fabricating and faking their way through a series of bogus excuses for a disaster created by greed overload.
Scoop Daily Ratings
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