NZ Herald news monitor 29 / 11 / 00
Eggs run low amid threat of rationing – Suburban high rises on hold in backlash – Quitline wards off desperate smokers – Car safety website lists soggy imports – Fears for kids spark Disney cellphone ban – Maths exam gets its ABC (and D) wrong
- EGGS RUN LOW AMID THREAT OF RATIONING - A shortage of six million eggs is raising the spectre of rising prices and rationing before Christmas.
- SUBURBAN HIGH RISES ON HOLD IN BACKLASH - High-rise housing is heading for Auckland suburbs under city council plans to allow 80,000 multi-storey apartments and townhouses.
- QUITLINE WARDS OFF DESPERATE SMOKERS - Thousands of smokers who want Government-subsidised nicotine patches and gum are being turned away by the overloaded Quitline.
- CAR SAFETY WEBSITE LISTS SOGGY IMPORTS - Legitimate car dealers are urging an immediate ban on flood-damaged imports, amid fears that they will prove lethal to unwary buyers.
- FEARS FOR KIDS SPARK DISNEY CELLPHONE BAN - Walt Disney characters have been banned from cellphones because of fears the phones may cause epilepsy and other brain problems in children.
- MATHS EXAM GETS ITS ABC (AND D) WRONG - Mathematics students sitting their School Certificate exam this week would have been stumped to find one plus one did not equal two.