National Radio Midday Bulletin
Waitara Inquiry - Police Association Chairman - Un On Sierra Leone - Airways Alleged Corruption - Vietnam Compensation - Car Stickers Legal - Mexico Bush Fire - Oil Spill - Aceh Violence - Into The Black - Student Mag Closes - Gavin Dash Inquiry - Aids Drugs - Hit And Run - Early Skulls
WAITARA INQUIRY: The Prime Minister Helen Clark says she is yet to be convinced of a need for an independent inquiry into the Waitara shooting after a Te Puni Kokiri report has alleged racism in the town.
POLICE ASSOCIATION CHAIRMAN: The chairman of the Police Association, Greg O’Conner, says the disproportionate amount of crime among Maori has meant police focus on them more.
UN ON SIERRA LEONE: The United Nations Security Council is going into a special meeting to discuss the increasing violence in Sierra Leone.
AIRWAYS ALLEGED CORRUPTION: SOE Minister Mark Burton has been seeking documents proving allegations by Winston Peters about four Airways corporation executives allegedly involved in unlawful activity.
VIETNAM COMPENSATION: The New Zealand Vietnam Veterans association is encouraged by the Australian Government’s move to put a $40 million package together to compensate Australian soldiers for the Vietnam War. They are calling on the current Government to do the same here.
CAR STICKERS LEGAL: A police plan to reduce car theft in Christchurch by using yellow under 25-stickers has been found legal.
MEXICO BUSH FIRE: A huge bush fire is still sweeping across Los Elmos in Mexico, and the home of a famous nuclear weapons laboratory which created the first atom bomb is under threat.
ACEH VIOLENCE: Indonesian Government officials and Aceh rebels have met in a secret location in Geneva to sign the first formal cease-fire in more than two decades of fighting.
OIL SPILL: The Auckland Harbour Master says the parties involved in yesterday’s oil spill could be fined up to $100,000.
INTO THE BLACK: The government’s books are moving further into the black than expected – the surplus is $1.8 billion.
STUDENT MAG CLOSES: The Waikato Students Union has closed down its student magazine pending an investigation by auditors.
GAVIN DASH INQUIRY: A Wellington police dive squad is today searching a stream in the city's western hills as police continue to look for the body of a missing student, and for possessions taken from his flat.
AIDS DRUGS: Some of the biggest multinational companies in the world have agreed to reduce the cost of drugs used to fight AIDS in Africa and other developing regions.
HIT AND RUN: The police in Dunedin have interviewed a 46-year-old woman in relation to a hit-and-run accident last Sunday after a four day police-hunt.
EARLY SKULLS: Scientists have found two skulls in the republic of Georgia dated at 1-point-seven million years old, suggesting early man left Africa for Europe much earlier than previously thought.